vi. the idiots who love idiots

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CHAPTER SIX ───────────


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JULY 7TH, 2010

HER BROTHER IS SMALL AGAIN. Like he was when he was only a few weeks old. A little blonde baby with his eyes closed and an angry expression on his chubby face. His tiny baby hands reach for her, softly grasping onto her nose and cheeks. Bubbles of saliva pop out of his tiny pink lips. He lets out a gurgle of happiness. Elora smiles so widely, she's sure her face will break. She runs her fingers gently across his chubby cheek. "You're so cute," she mutters happily. "I wish I could see you again, baby brother." She twirls her index finger through the wisps of his tufty blonde hair.

        Louis replies with a giggle and a little kick of his legs.

        Elora's smile turns sad as she turns away from her half-brother in his pram and stands straight. Her dad puts his hand on her shoulder. "Your mum would be proud of you, Ellie," he tells her quietly. "Even though she left, she still loves you."

         Her heart feels sore at the sound of his voice and his words. "Yeah, I know, Dad." He tugs her toward him and engulfs her in a hug. She's quite tall unlike him who's barely 5'9. They're almost the same height.

          "Have fun at camp, sweetheart," her dad insists when he pulls away from her. "Don't do anything too rash. I know what you're like."

          She rolls her eyes fondly, the bittersweet memories filling her with emotional tears. She wants to burst out and scream that she loves him. That she misses him and wishes she could come home and hug him and her brother until the end of the world━which probably won't be that long a wait. She wishes this didn't feel so real. Because now it's harder to let go and move on.

          She stares wistfully at her brother and then her dad. "I love you guys," she whispers as they start to fade away. Their smiles stay imprinted on her eyelids until she opens them, watery tears in her brown eyes.

          Elora stares at the ceiling for a moment, watching the lantern attached to the roof sway slightly as the Argo II soars through the clouds. She'd gone to her room after Annabeth had left to follow Jason and Leo into Bologna, suddenly overcome with a bout of exhaustion. The odd scratching was maddening and left with a panic that had exhausted her right out. She was terrified of going back to sleep but it was better than having lunch with the rest of the group while they wait for Jason, Annabeth, and Leo to come back.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now