xxii. yet another basically impossible quest!

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" monster LADY GAGA "

JULY 20TH, 2010

PERCY FEELS IT BEFORE ANYTHING even happens. He feels the unadulterated distraught, the primal panic, the raw fury right in his very bones. It rattles him so much that he actually has to shove himself off his bed to take a deep breath. Something in the back of his brain screams at him. But he's unsure what.

He steps out of his cabin, fidgeting restlessly with the pen in his pocket. Something is very very wrong. He suddenly has a terrifying thought and his footsteps speed up, each landing with a dull thud that seems to reverberate through the very walls. And then he's running right onto deck, head whipping from side to side unsure of where he's supposed to be looking.

Vaguely, he hears Leo call out curiously to him from the helm but he ignores him, stepping over to the railing of the ship and squinting off into the distance. Something is wrong.

The urge to jump off the ship and shoot himself to shore is almost too much to bear. Actually, he might just

A burning beam of pure light blasts through the sky, reflecting the sun. And even from this far away, it blinds him. He has to look away, his eyes watering and flashing dangerously. But he knows. He knows. Roma.

Immediately, the sound of an alarm blares through hidden speakers all over the ship. Leo practically screams into the intercom. "Guys, the signal, it's━ Wait, what is that?" His voice trails off as he stares into the distance with a frown. Percy can't afford confusion or curiosity. And neither can Roma. He grips his pen tighter, knuckles turning white with the pressure. He tries to keep his mouth shut. Just for a few more moments. He can't go full uncontrollable mode again. Be patient. She'll be━ She'll be━ DEAD. He sucks in a panicked breath, heart beating wildly in his chest. Dead dead dead. He can't take it anymore.

"Leo." His voice comes out more dangerously threatening than he'd intended it to. But even Leo of all people notices his tone and glances at him with an odd note of what Percy briefly perceives as fear.

Leo shakes his head, turning his gaze back to the flashing light. "It's, uh, it's not the signal," he says almost lamely. "I think it might be Morse Code." He frowns at it. "SOS . . ."

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now