xi. hey look! we're zombies!

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CHAPTER ELEVEN ───────────
✧₊˚。({  HEY LOOK! WE'RE ZOMBIES!  })

CHAPTER ELEVEN ───────────✧₊˚。({  HEY LOOK! WE'RE ZOMBIES!  })

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" in this shirt THE IRREPRESSIBLES "

JULY 13TH, 2010

IF THIS IS WHAT HAVING a hangover feels like then Percy is definitely never touching alcohol ever. He'd already sworn off the stuff anyway but this just cements his decision in place. His head pounds like a wrecking ball slamming into a construction site. BANG BANG BANG! Over and over. It's like his brain is expanding and beating against his skull. He lets out an incoherent groan, pushing his head into the pillow beneath him. He tries to stretch but something blocks his body from moving.

His eyes crack open a little, the red light causing him to internally sigh. Still in Tartarus. Great.

          He shifts his head slightly, getting a look at the bones tied together to make a ceiling. Where is he? He doesn't remember getting here. What even happened?

          And then, he glances down at the head of dark curls tickling his neck and he remembers. Horrifyingly remembers. And he becomes actively aware of the body pressed against him and the arm he had wrapped around her. Roma. How could he ever forget her name? How could he ever not know her face? Percy had stubbornly thought that he'd always know her. After all, there's nothing forgettable about Roma whatever-her-middle-name-is Ronero. But he'd somehow let those arai drag her name out of his memories.

          Percy lets out another grumpy groan. He's had enough of people messing with his memory. He hates amnesia. He hates monsters. He hates gods. He's sick of it all. He just wants to go home. Maybe have a cup of hot chocolate or something. And definitely sleep in his own bed with the embarrassing superhero sheets and the smell of New York City wafting through the open window where a couple of his mom's dead plants sit on the fire escape along with━ Calypso's moonlace.

          Calypso. He should be angry, he thinks, for the curse she inflicted. And maybe he will be later. But right now, all he feels is immense guilt. Not only had he forgotten Roma, but he'd also forgotten Calypso. The lonely girl all alone on the island of Ogygia. He should've followed up on the gods' promise. He should've known they wouldn't keep it.

          Wow. These past few days have really proved to him how much of a shitty person he is. He tightens his arm around her and buries his face in her curls, upset with himself. He realizes at that point that Small Bob had snuggled himself in the crook between their bodies, purring contently and sending vibrations up his spine.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now