vii. i'm not as dumb as i look

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CHAPTER SEVEN ───────────
✧₊˚。({  I'M NOT AS DUMB AS I LOOK  })

CHAPTER SEVEN ───────────✧₊˚。({  I'M NOT AS DUMB AS I LOOK  })

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" feels like GRACIE ABRAMS "

JULY 12TH, 2010

PERCY FEELS LIKE EDWARD CULLEN as he stares at Roma sleeping. Not that he finds it fascinating or whatever. He just likes how peaceful she looks. Well, not peaceful. She's got this permanent scowl on her face but it's not directed at anyone so he counts that as peaceful. She's also unbelievably pretty. He seriously can't believe that he'd actually kissed her and she hadn't slapped him or pushed him away or something more violent.

Her curly hair tickles his face and neck as her head lays on his shoulder. A couple of times she flinches in her sleep and almost falls off. He resorts to wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her upright. She'd probably slap him if she knew what he was doing. That's fine. He just won't wake her up until whatever Bob is waiting for gets here. She needs the sleep more than he does.

He plays with the fingers on her left hand, fiddling with the seashells circling her wrist too and trying not to think too much about the fact that she's this close to him in only a sports bra and shorts. His face burns with the memory of earlier's sports bra incident.

He stares at her hand for a moment longer, remembering something in his jeans pocket and going to fish it out when Roma suddenly grips his arm so tightly it feels like his bones are being crushed. "Ah━ Ow!" Percy tries to tug her hand off but fails. She starts muttering words in Afrikaans under her breath, her expression taught in fear and anger. He nudges her head off his shoulder and leans closer to her. "Ro," he whispers into her ear, his lips brushing against her skin. "Wake up, it's just a dream. It's just a dream."

Roma gasps loudly, snapping up straight, and instinctively slaps Percy in the face with the hand he'd been so interested in not so long ago. "Ow, what the hell?" he scowls, rubbing his throbbing nose. She packs a mean slap even when she doesn't freaking mean to hurt someone. At least she'd stopped suffocating his arm.

"Wh-what?" Her voice comes out raspy and confused. Her gaze snaps straight to Bob sitting on the altar in the middle of the Hermes shrine and amusedly watching his feet swing back and forth through the air. Then she turns to him, the feeling of relief washing over her gratefully. Her tense shoulders relax a little at the sight of him. "Percy," she mutters quietly.

"Roma," he mimics with a small, slightly reassuring smile.

Her slack relief turns hard in a second. "I thought you were supposed to wake me up so you could sleep," she chastises, shuffling a little away from him and leaving a space in between them that feels oddly cold despite the temperature of the place.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now