iv. the weird lidl girl gives us advice

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CHAPTER FOUR ───────────


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" ceilings LIZZIE MCALPINE "

JULY 5TH, 2010

JASON KNOWS HE SHOULD BE asleep. If not for himself then for Roma and Percy. Their progress is important. He needed to see if they'd made it. If they're alive. But each time he dreams, it's just nightmares. A replay of his failure to save them from their tragic fate. Accompanied by flashes of the terror Octavian is about to rain down on Camp Half-Blood and bittersweet memories of the past.

Last night was even worse. All he could hear was this incessant scratching sound that grated at his mind for hours. And whenever he went to investigate the source, the sound just vanished. He could never find the origin no matter how hard he tried. It was infuriating.

But he can barely use that as an excuse so, by now, he knows he's a hypocrite. He's decided to embrace it. He'd been trained from a young age to run on only a few hours of sleep anyway. Elora, not so much. She's practically dependent on at least ten hours. But ever since she came back from Tartarus, she's been different. More reserved. Jason can only hope she won't close in on herself again. He's not sure she'll be as lucky as she was last time.

Memories of the girl lying on the floor of the Third Cohort barracks unconscious come spiraling back into his head. She was so pale and thin and gods, he thought she was dead. He remembers rushing to her side and feeling the warmth of relief loosen the bolt of fear in his chest. He carried her all the way to the med clinic in New Rome, careful not to run into anyone except Terminus.

Elora has no idea how much he cares for her. No idea. He thinks he might just break if she was to disappear forever.

"Hey, man."

Jason blinks and registers Leo's voice from beside him. He turns toward him, his neck cracking in the process. "What's up?" he asks his friend, noting the oil stain on the side of his face and his usual fidgetiness.

Leo shrugs, glancing at Annabeth across the table whos currently invested in a book. He lowers his voice. "Have you, uh, heard anything about um . . . Fire Girl and Water Boy? In your dreams, I mean."

Jason has the simultaneous urge to laugh at his nicknames and to go into a depressed coma at the reminder of the friends he couldn't save.

[2]  𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐘 ,  p. jackson ,  j. graceWhere stories live. Discover now