chapter one.

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returning from her job, devonne unlocked her front door and dropped her bag on the table beside the door. working at the nearby restaurant was more tiring than she'd anticipated. her family with everything due to demi's success while she survived with minimum wage. but she couldn't even complain, she was the one who left. they just never bothered to find her. that's what she told heraelf. as the brunette collapsed on the sofa, in relief after being on her feet, the mobile in her pocket rang. contact name of izzy flashed up on the screen. devonne's best friend. she was the one person who knew devonne's identity, and reasonings. she came into her life while she was on the run and was trusted with the girl's life, literally. "hey, izzy" she spoke taking her jacket off as she led back on the sofa. "hey dev. have you seem demi's latest tweets? you need to go look. she has an interview tonight at ten with ellen as they are more than likely planning on bringing it up. it's sentimental and you know what those types of channels and television shows like. drama, or confusion being settled." letting out a sigh, she nodded before speaking up. "alright. thank you izzy. i'll talk soon." she waited for a reply before ending the call and pulling up twitter. she had an idea of what the post was, as she knew exactly what today marked. but she didn't think her twin would care enough to write something where television hosts would care. especially when she's never wrote anything before. the girl's twitter was basically inactive, she just used it to keep up to date with her family members. demi's account was already open on her twitter and she went to the latest tweet, pulling a pillow into her lap as she read it.

@/ddlovato: six years today. six years since i last saw, spoke or hugged you. i miss you devonne. i need to know you're okay. please if you're out there, reading this, come home. i need my twin back. my other half. my better half. dev, i know you're out there. please come home. i need you. if you really don't want to, just remember: i love you dev, always and forever <3

"i love you too, dems. always and forever" she mumbled to herself, wiping the stray tear that dared escape her eye. maybe demi cared a little more than she realised. viewing the responses to the comments she noticed everyone had retweeted it. even madison, someone who was only six when she went m.i.a and probably had not much recollection of memories of devonne. the brunette knew her heart ached without demi. without any of them. she was just terrified of being rejected or judged by her family. or the world. negative consequences for negative actions. that's how it goes, right? before she even knew it it was nearing ten in the evening, and grabbing her controller she flicked to the correct channel, laying down on the couch. demi lovato was announced when she found the channel. she looked her usual happy self, but anyone could tell there was an underlying emotion of sadness, heartache even.

ellen pulled the girl into a hug and devonne could see the ache in her twins eyes. she avoided demi interviews so she didn't get upset and go back. maybe that's selfish, but she knew one thing said from demi that even suggested she needed her that she'd be back, even if at the time it wasn't the best solution. after catching up on any new music, and anything in demi's life that was occurring, the tweet was brought onto the big screen for the audience to see. "this tweet confused a bunch of people, even your hardcore lovatics. this is what it said" the host read out the tweet as demi's eyes filled with tears again. "is this devonne you speak of your twin sister. would you like to explain this tweet." she addressed it before demi wiped her eyes and nodded with a small smile.

"devonne is my twin sister. i shall talk about this only in the hopes of her seeing this and returning. i don't want the sympathy, i just want my sister back. we were inseparable. she was, she still is, my better half. one day when we were both sixteen and a couple months after i'd booked disney, she ran. she didn't look back. it was like she never existed. no goodbye, nothing. she took her savings, phone and left. we still haven't found her. it's been six years. i've had no contact with her. none of our family has. i got a note the day she left, on my bed. that was it. and all it said was that she loves me, always and forever. that was our special thing."

the interviewer thanked the girl for her honesty and apologised for what she went through, before asking the girl if she wanted to say anything else. by now devonne was a sobbing mess. she had the pillow to her chest and her legs crossed. wiping her eyes even though she knew it was pointless she turned her attention back to demi's voice on the screen. "dev, if you do somehow see this. return, please. mom needs you. dad needs you. dallas and maddie needs you. i need you. i need to know you're okay. we love you. i love you. always and forever, dev" letting out another sob as she saw a tear fall down demi's cheek, she turned the television off, refusing to watch anymore. she wanted to be back. she was terrified, but she couldn't do it any longer. deciding to sleep on it, the girl fell into a peaceful sleep, too lazy to even head to her bedroom.

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