chapter ten.

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after spending another whole day with her family, devonne woke up feeling the best she'd ever felt. added to this she knew today her dad, and two sisters were able to meet skye today. however it was also the first time she was seeing jake's family since the accident, and the first time her family were meeting jake's. this was a worry for devonne.

getting out of bed she went into demi's room finding her awake, on her phone. she sat down next to her twin and smiled softly. "morning, dems" she spoke, causing the other to look up. "morning dev, no point in asking for clothes considering you haven't these past couple days" she teased and devonne headed to the wardrobe to find some clothes.

once ready for the day she head downstairs to join maddie, dallas and her dad on the sofa. "are you excited?" she asked the trio, getting a chorus of yeses. "i can't wait to see my niece" dallas spoke, causing dev to smile and nod. after a few more minutes of conversation dev started to go quiet, which made eddie move towards his daughter. "are you okay, honey?" he asked softly. dev nodded slightly. "devonne, there is nothing to be worried about." seeing through her hidden emotions. "but there is, dad, there's so much. what if jake's family hate me still? what if they take my baby away again? i don't think i could handle that" she spoke, her breathing getting uneven as she panicked, rambling out her thoughts. suddenly devonne felt arms around her neck, gently from behind. "shh, sis. dev, copy my breathing. in and out, in and out." after a minute of assisting breathes from her twin, devonne's breathing evened out. "thank you, dem" she said softly turning to hug her. "no problem. but seriously, stop worrying. it will go fine."

the doorbell went, dev heading to the door knowing it was just jake and skye. his family weren't coming until later. opening the door she smiled at the sight of the pair. "mommy!" skye yelled, being picked up by her mother. "hi babygirl" she said before feeling jake's lips on her cheek. "hey baby" she said to jake before letting him in and leading him to the living room, carrying skye. devonne sat on the sofa with skye on her lap, jake sitting next to her. "jake, skye, this is my mom and demi who you've already met, and this is my dad, dallas my older sister, and madison, my younger sister. skye this is your grandad and two other aunties." she explained to her boyfriend and daughter. "hiya" skye said waving, as they cooed at her cuteness, causing jake to laugh. "what time are your parents coming over, babe?" dev asked leaning into him. "like in an hour" she nodded and turned to her daughter. "what do you want to do, princess?" she asked as the smallest yelled about nemo. "still obsessed? i would've thought you'd have gotten over it by now." she mumbled jokingly.

when nemo finished, the doorbell rang, almost perfect timing. jake moved away from devonne as he went to greet his parents. demi noticed the fear that had taken over her twin who's foot was tapping the floor rapidly and lower lip was being chewed apart."dev, it'll be fine. calm down please" she spoke, her twin sister nodding in return, slowly managing to calm herself down. a few seconds later a small voice speaks up. "mommy okay?" devonne nodded and smiled softly at her young daughter, "mommy's okay, baby"

jake walked back in the room with his parents in tow. "grandma, grandad!" skye screamed excitedly running to hug them. demi smiled sympathetically towards devonne, sensing the slight jealousy in her face. the two families were introduced, and devonne stayed sat on the couch feeling the tension. jake's mother looked over at her and sighed a little. "devonne, can we talk?" she asked, and nervously devonne nodded, following her to the kitchen. almost in instant reaction demi followed along, causing jake's mothers eyebrow to raise. "alone?" she said unamused. demi stood her ground and shook her head. "whatever you say to dev you can say while i'm here" devonne nodded to back her up before the older woman sighed in defeat.

"listen, dev, i'm sorry we took jake and skye away. we just got scared and didn't want anything to happen to our baby, or our grandbaby. we blamed you for someone elses actions." demi scoffed at the mere apology and rolled her eyes. "well you shouldn't have taken her child away should you? do you know how upset she got and how much that hurt her?" demi defended and the older shook her head. "no. but do you? because you weren't there for her either. i'm fully aware you didn't care enough about her and that's why she ran away from you all." she retaliated, voice raising. by now, everyone bar the two youngest (maddie and skye) had moved to the kitchen, paying full attention to the conversation.

"maybe, but do you know how selfish it was to leave skye without a mother?" dianna stepped in, causing devonne to run her hand through her hair in distress before finally speaking up. "everyone stop. i understand why they did it. they were just protecting my daughter." she said, and ignore the sad tone, jake's mother thanked her for understanding. devonne just wanted her family back for good without having to worry, and she didn't want her upset to get in the way of that.

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