chapter eleven.

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it had been a couple of days since skye and jake moved back in, and thing's weren't running as smoothly as everyone had hoped. sky especially, had noticed the change in her mother's behaviour. devonne didn't leave her room all day yesterday, and still was yet to. jake had left to fetch the last few boxes from his mother's, and demi was expected to be at their house any moment. the doorbell rang and skye ran to her mom's room to tell her the door rang. "it's auntie demi, baby. can you get it? if it's not demi shut the door in their face and lock it" she explained, knowing full well her four year old knew she was crying.

running downstairs, skye opened the door. spotting her aunt she smiled and let her inside. "hi auntie dem!" she spoke, letting the older woman shut the door "hi princess, where's your mom?" she asked concerned her sister let the small child get the door herself. "mama is upstairs, something is wrong but i don't know what. please help mommy" she frowned, causing demi to look concerned but confused. "what do you mean, angel?" she said softly. "mommy hasn't left her bedroom and hardly talks to me. i know she's crying, i can hear it." skye said looking up at her aunt. "i'll talk to her when your dad is home, baby" demi said, worried about her sister.

around ten minutes later, jake comes home and smiles at the two watching television together. demi explains that she needs to talk to devonne, and asks jake to take skye out. skye and jake decided ice cream was needed so the pair went out to get some, leaving demi to talk to her sister.

demi reached her sister's room and could already hear the sobs. she frowned and twisted the handle after knocking, warning her she was coming in. she walked to the bed, sitting down and pulling her sister to her chest. "dev, what's wrong?" she whispered causing her to look up looking defeated and tears down her face. "where's skye?" she asked worried her daughter was alone. "jake took her to get ice cream, now don't avoid my question. what's wrong?" she asked again and devonne sat up, wiping her eyes. "nothing dems" she said with a small smile causing demi to shake her head and sigh. "devonne lovato, you are sobbing your heart out and you expect me to believe that nothing is wrong?" she just nodded, hoping she'd drop it. but she knew she wouldn't. "dev, please. i can help." she tried again but devonne didn't give in, just hid her face hugging her tight as tears began to fall again. so demi did what she did best. she sang to calm her.

this is a story that i have never told
i gotta get this off my chest to let it go
i need to take back the light inside you stole
you're a criminal
and you steal like you're a pro

all the pain and the truth
i wear like a battle wound
so ashamed, so confused
i was broken and bruised

now i'm a warrior
now i've got thicker skin
i'm a warrior
i'm stronger than i've ever been
and my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in
i'm a warrior
and you can never hurt me again..

the singing had caused dev to calm down slightly, and demi decided to ask once again what was wrong. dev took a deep breath ready to explain her thoughts, but suddenly had the urge to throw up. she jumped up and ran to the bathroom, demi following in suit, grabbing her hair to hold it back. once she had stopped, and brushed her teeth, demi looked at her in concern. "i can't tell you." devonne mumbling, realising she didn't even know if she was right, and if she was, someone else needed to know first. demi looked at her shaking her head, and dev knew she wouldn't leave until she knew. "okay fine, i'll tell you. but you can't tell anyone. promise?" she spoke looking seriously at the other. "promise devvy" she spoke in a childish voice to lighten the moment causing devonne to smile. she then sighed and mumbled "i think i'm pregnant..." demi gasped then looked at her, "what did you say?" dev sighed again and said it a little louder. "i think, i think i'm pregnant"

demi's thoughts had gone wild. did i just hear her right? "yes, yes you did" huh? can she ready my mind? "no, no i can't. you're thinking out loud." i have to stop doing that. "yes, yes you do" devonne laughed, as she replied to what demi thought was inside her head. demi rolled her eyes at her twin before looking at her. "why do you think you're pregnant?" she asked curiously. "i'm late, and obviously i have sickness." devonne answered. demi rose her eyebrow, silently asking her sister a question. devonne rolled her eyes and sighed. "yes, jake and i have done it. the first night he was back.." demi smirked at her sister before seeing her frown. "dem, please, not now." demi sighed and nodded. "okay, so do you want me to go buy tests?" devonne instantly shook her head. "no! rumours will start that you're pregnant and that's not a good rumour, especially when you're not dating anyone." demi looked at her lap and bit her lip. no one was aware of wilmer. "who is it?" devonne asked with an eyebrow raise. "what?" demi asked confused. "we're twins. i can tell you inside and out. who are you dating?" demi sighed at her twin and mumbled "wilmer" devonne looked confused for a second before it dawned on her, "valderamma?" she asked, receiving a nod. "but you can't tell anyone, dev. i'll keep yours if you are, and you keep mine. please" she begs a little, causing devonne to nod understandingly. "okay, okay. now, i think i have some leftover tests from skye somewhere." devonne got up going to the bathroom. she did the test before walking back out to her sister. "now i just have to wait." she said sitting back on the bed. "dev, whatever happens i'm here for you this time, okay?" devonne smiled and hugged her sister. "thanks dems." a few minutes later the timer went off, so devonne headed back to the bathroom to check the test, demi slowly following behind her. she read it with an unreadable face, before turning it to her sister. demi didn't react until she was sure how dev felt about the result.

negative. phew. devonne thought to herself. its not that she wouldn't have liked to be pregnant. it was just too soon, and too much. "you panicked me there, dev. you okay?" demi asked, devonne nodding in reply. we both took a few moments to stay lost in our thoughts, but they were broken by jake coming up the stairs. hiding the stick, dev smiled at her boyfriend. "are you okay, dev?" he asked worried, and she nodded confused. "skye told me you were crying when i left." he explained. "oh.. yeah. i'm okay. i thought i was pregnant but i'm not so it's nothing" she explained and he nodded, kissing her forehead. "but where is skye?" she asked him. "your parents and sisters wanted some time with her, so it's just us three."

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