chapter twelve.

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the next morning we all woke up around the same time, and since there were no children present, all three adults managed to get a lie in. demi had borrowered dev's clothes, the opposite to how it has been recently, while jake and devonne were trying to get used to not having their daughter running around and keeping them busy. the house had yet to be replenished with food, so devonne offered to go herself to the shop so they could eat.

"are you sure you don't mind?" demi asked, feeling bad that she would be going alone. "i'm sure. it's my fault the cupboards are bare, plus it gives you both time to get to know each other" she smiled at them and put her shoes on.

once at the store she grabbed a shopping cart, and walked around the aisles. she grabbed more than just things for breakfast so that she didn't have to bother coming to the store again too soon. in hindsight she should've thought about how much she'd brought, as when it came to carrying it all inside she struggled. but was too determined to get it all in the house in one trip. but as soon as she was inside she realised getting the bags in was not her biggest struggle of the day. and suddenly she didn't feel like breakfast anymore.

in front of her, she saw, her boyfriend and twin sister, kissing. a gasp fell from her mouth, causing both their heads to turn towards devonne. she out the bags down in the hallway, now frozen in the doorway of the living room. both came up to the girl and got out "dev, please, it's not what it looks like" at the same time. devonne snapped out of her thoughts and rose her eyebrow. "what it looks like, is that you just kissed my boyfriend, demi. and you just kissed my twin sister, jake. so yes, it's exactly what it looks like." she said, surprisingly calm. her tears were threatening to fall, but she didn't let them. instead she picked her phone and car keys back up, and headed out the front door, ignoring the calls from both her sister and boyfriend. she got in her car and drove to her parents house where she knew her daughter was. the only one who could cheer her up.

she arrived at her childhood home, and having kept the tears in so she drove safely, they now all came out. she turned the car engine off, before leaning against the back of the chair, and sobbed. she slapped the wheel a few times, ignoring the horn beeping from her hits. there was a knock on her car window and she turned to look. she sighed seeing her older sister, dallas. she stood there with a concerned look on her face before opening the car door. "dev, what's wrong?" she asked and the upset girl couldn't even answer. the tears started to fall again, so dallas picked her up like she would when she was younger and carried her inside. "shhh, devvy, it's okay." she whispered and rocked the girl trying to calm her down. "where's everyone?" she mumbled through the tears. dallas explained that maddie, eddie and skye all went out, but dianna was upstairs. "can you get mom please?" she whispered. dallas nodded before sitting her on the couch and heading upstairs to get their mother.

a few moments later both reappeared, dianna with a concerned look on her face. they both sat either side of her and dianna spoke up. "honey, what's wrong?" she asked and devonne looked at her tears full in her eyes, her mom almost feeling her heart break. "momma, he, he, i" she struggled to get out. this was enough information for dallas, she jumped up ready to fight. "what did he do?" she spoke lowly and devonne shook her head. they waited for her to calm down so she could explain. devonne took a deep breath and managed to stop crying, wiping her eyes. "i went to the shop to get some food as we had nothing in the house for breakfast. i went alone thinking it would be a good time for demi and jake to get to know each other. but when i got back i saw they'd got to know each other more than i wanted, or expected. i saw them kiss. demi and jake kissed." she explained, letting a few more tears fall. both dianna and dallas looked angry, but also worried about the girl next to them.

the front door opened, and demi strolled into the house. she didn't look the slightest upset and her face was tear free. she looked up and noticed us, quickly looking down she span to turn away but their mother grabbed her wrist. "demetria devonne lovato." she spoke sternly, and dallas added a question. "why?" demi just stared at them. she obviously wasn't going to share what was going through her head. "demetria, answer us" dianna spoke again, but the girl just turned away and headed upstairs. "oh dev, i'm sorry" dallas whispered and hugged her sister tight.

the front door opened again, and jake walked in, tears streaming down his face. this confused devonne. why was jake so affected but demi looked like she didn't give a care in the world. "no, no. you can get out." both diana and dallas spoke to him. jake ignored them and turned to devonne. "dev, please. hear me out." he whispered, his voice breaking from the tears. "no. out." dallas spoke again, but he didn't give up. "dev. please." he begged and devonne sighed wiping her own tears. "okay, fine. five minutes." he smiled a little through his tears and devonne nodded waiting for him to start.

"oh. yes. right. i didn't do anything. dev. i promise you. she grabbed my neck and pulled me in. i didn't and would never kiss back. you and skye are my entire world and i've only just got you back. i yelled at demi when you left. i can't imagine my life without you again" he explained, his emotion clear. devonne knew her boyfriend wasn't lying and sighed softly. "okay. i believe you. but it may take me some time to trust you. and kiss you, knowing those lips have touched my sisters" she joked a little at the end to lighten the mood. "i understand." he said nodding.

"not to break the moment, but skye and all are due back soon and i doubt she wants to see both her parents crying" dallas spoke, and they nodded, heading upstairs. "i will be telling your father. but they won't be mad at you, jake. just demetria" diana spoke up, warning the couple, as well as the twin hidden in her room.

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