chapter eight.

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the next morning devonne woke up with her boyfriend and daughter next to her, asleep. she smiled at the sight and found her phone, snapping a picture. she needed to capture it, as she'd missed seeing it. then sitting up, she noticed her mother and twin weren't in the room. she slowly stood, careful not to disturb the pair sleeping. heading into the kitchen she heard talking. walking through the door she closed it to stop any sound travelling to the living room. both their heads turned and they smiled as they saw me.

"morning dev" they both spoke, demi a little delayed behind dianna. "good morning, mum, demi." she replied. sitting on the stool next to demi and opposite her mom, she took a breath before looking back up at the two. "i have some news." she said nervously, demi nodding in response. "what is it?" dianna asked. "jake and i are back together and he and skye are moving back in" she spoke, mumbling quickly. they both looked confused, tilting their heads slightly before looking at the other to see if they caught what devonne said. "dev, say it again but slower and not under your breath. don't be nervous. we won't judge you." dianna spoke moving over to kiss her daughter on the forehead. "jake and i are back together and him and skye are moving back in." she said again, slowly. "baby that's great!" dianna spoke, hugging the girl with a grin. however demi said nothing. she stood, grabbed her phone, and left devonne's house. the twin left in the room looked at her mother confused causing the older to shrug. she put her head in her hands and sighed softly. why do i always mess everything up? she thought to herself before feeling arms around her neck.

"princess, what's wrong?" a deep voice spoke. jake. she took her head out her hands and rubbed her eyes a little. "nothing, baby." he kissed her cheek before nodding. "if you're sure. skye and i have to go to pack our stuff, but we will be back in two days. if that's okay?" dev nodded and smiled, and in that moment skye walked in the room. "hey babygirl." she said smiling softly, picking up the small girl. "hi mama, daddy." jake explained the situation to the young girl, before she spoke up. "we'll come back right?" jake nodded with a smile. "of course, princess." devonne pouted a little up at him. "i thought i was your princess." this caused jake to laugh and shake his head. "no, you're my queen. how many times?" he teased and kissed her forehead before turning to their daughter. "okay skye we better get going. give momma a hug." skye gave her a massive hug, while dev kissed her temple. "mama loves you so much, babygirl." the smaller replied with an i love you, before jake picked up the girl. "bye babes" she spoke as they left the kitchen, before leaving the house.

she turns back to the kitchen, and her mom. "did you just record that whole thing?" she asked noticing her phone out and held up. dianna laughed and nodded. devonne just smiled at her, before she started thinking about demi. "we should go check on dems." dev said to her mom before the women nodded. "okay, baby." she spoke.

meanwhile, demi was battling with her mind. she was happy that devonne got her relationship and daughter back. but she couldn't handle the thoughts of losing her again. so instead of opening her mouth and potentially causing an argument, she had left and decided to get advice from someone close to her heart. her boyfriend. no one knew about him, and even the media hadn't realised. she had text him to meet her at the nearby starbucks and when she walked inside he was already there, sat inside.

demi kissed his cheek and smiled softly before sitting down. "hey dem" he spoke handing her her drink. "hey baby. thank you, wilmer." she spoke and took a sip of the drink. "demi? what's wrong." he asked almost instantly, noticing the fake happy facade his girlfriend had attempted to put up. she looked up from her drink and sighed softly. "i think i messed up and i am jealous." this didn't confuse wilmer as demi had been keeping him up to date with the devonne situation. "why, baby?" he asked, resting his hand on demi's. "devonne got her boyfriend back. and him and their daughter are moving back in with dev. when she told mom and i, i left. i don't want her to leave us and not need me. i can't lose her again." she whispered, causing wilmer's eyes to soften. "baby. you're not going to lose her again. she loves you all too much. she's your twin. she's probably worried something is wrong, or probably more so knowing something is wrong, right now." demi looked back down at the cup, drinking from it. "what should i do?" she asked softly. "go home, calm down, and wait for dev to come round which we know she will. explain to her, and just say the truth, my love." wilmer said before demi nodded and kissed him. "i better go then. thank you, baby." she said before heading out the starbucks and went home.

back with dev and dianna, the pair were ready, and in the car, but the drive was silent. well, until dianna started to talk. "you know dev, demi being like this isn't against you nor your fault." devonne nodded and replied, unconvinced. "i know, mom." it fell silent again until they arrived. when they arrived at devonne's childhood home, devonne got out the car first, heading to the door. her mom followed behind. she opened the door, the two walking inside and entered the living room where dallas was sat watching television. she paused her programme to look up at the others. "hey dal" devonne spoke, sitting beside her getting a smile in response, "has demi spoke to you?" the younger sister asked. "no, she came in and rushed upstairs. what happened at yours?" dallas asked confused, causing devonne to look up at her mother for reassurance. once receiving it she sighed softly and explained the story. dallas hugged the girl when noticing the tears welling up in her eyes. "congrats on getting your family back, dev, that's great!" she spoke before adding "just go talk to demi, she'll come around." devonne nodded and wiped her eyes before standing up and heading towards the stairs. dallas unpaused her show and went back to watching it, dianna joining her on the sofa.

devonne walked up the stairs and to demi's room. knocking on the door she waited for a reply, walking inside when she got one. seeing her twin sister led on her bed with tears in her eyes she rushed over, sitting on the end. "demi, what's wrong? whatever stupid thing i did, i didn't mean it, dems" she spoke, causing demi to sit up and smile at her caring sister. "dev, you didn't do anything wrong, calm down." looking at her confused, dev furrowed her eyebrows. "so why did you leave suddenly. plus there are tears in your eyes. i'm your twin, i know when you are upset."

demi sighed and wiped her eyes. "okay, fine" she took a breath. "when you mentioned that jake and skye were moving back in, i got upset and jealous. i thought that now you have got your boyfriend and daughter back you wouldn't need us anymore and i've only just got you back. i cannot lose you again dev" looking at demi, devonne wiped her tears away with her thumb before speaking up.

"demi, you're my twin. my other half. half my heart. you can't lose me that easy. yes, i got my other family back but i'm not going to just leave you. i love you all too much. i love you too much demsy. so please don't be sad. plus i have two days until they actually move in to be here with you all and have fun family days." demi looked up at her sister with a smile. "i believe you, dev. i'm sorry i got jealous and rushed off. i love you, devvy" they stayed in the moment for a couple of minutes before deciding to go downstairs and watch a movie with the rest of the family: pitch perfect to be exact.

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