The Writer's Muse: Symptom

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Asher walked around in his apartment with his iPad in hand.

His editing agency has given him a deadline to bring forth an outline because his readers were dying for something thrilling.

But, he just couldn't find the right motivation to work something out, so he called on his best friends. Arjun amd his wife, with their little girl.

As Arjun entered, Asher immediately felt a sense of calm. Arjun always had a way of making everything seem effortless, whether it be his charming smile or his composed demeanor.

"Hey man, what's up?" Arjun asked, as he took off his coat and settled into the couch.

"I'm still stuck, man. I can't seem to find the right inspiration for my next book," Asher replied, frustration evident in his voice.

Arjun's wife chimed in, "Maybe we can help you out. What's the story you're working on?"

Asher handed her the iPad, it's pages void of words.

"I think I know what you need," she said with a sly grin.

"What's that?" Asher asked, intrigued.

"A little bit of spice," she replied, winking at him.

Maya tends to be a bit naughty, Asher knew this but asked anyways.

"What do you suggest?"

"Let's go clubbing!" Maya did a little dance.

"Dancing? Are you crazy? I have a deadline to meet, incant go dancing, and what's wrong with both of you, first you mention blind dates with that stupid app thingy." He pointed at Arjun. "Now, you're mentioning clubbing? No!"

"Dating app?" Maya asked, her eyes narrowing at her boyfriend.

"It's not what you think babe." Arjun held his hand up in a surrendering manner.

"We will talk about that later." Arjun swallowed hard, sending a flat Asher's way.

The writer simply stuck his tongue out at his friend.

"Anyways, Asher babe, I think you need to loosen up, and a good clubbing would do." She persuaded and Asher knew better than to argue with the queen.

"Ugh! Fine!" He threw his hands up in a frustrating manner and walked towards his room to get dressed.

Meanwhile, back at Lena's side of the town, she was getting ready to go to work at night.

"Kevin, be a good boy for Mummy and sleep early? No TV today, okay?" She rubbed her son's head.

"Okay Mummy, I love you." Kevin pecked his mother and sent straight to his room.

Lena wanted nothing more than to stay home and cuddle up to her son, but their rent was due and she needed groceries too.

As she walked out the door and locked it, it was like the apartment owners teleported.

"Lena, your rent is due." The woman spoke in a harsh tone.

"Yes, Miss Birkens, I know, I am going to pay you soon." Lena replied.

"When is soon?" The woman asked. She has never liked Lena, especially for the fact that she was a single mother and a struggling young adult.

"Soon ma'am, I'm sorry, I'm late for work, see you later." She walked faster away form the woman before she started to preach about how God hates those that works in a club.

"May God forgive you!" Birkens called after her, but she simply smiled with a shake of her head.


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