Chapter 1: Choice

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"Allie, wake up."


"Allie we have guests coming. Stop napping and get up."

I open my eyes where my mum is standing in the doorway to my room.

"Cody and his family are coming over. Wear something very nice, we're going to a fancy dinner."

"Cody, seriously?"

"Yes Allie, live with it."

Cody. My enemy.

I hate his guts.

Sure, i used to have a crush on him when i was younger but now i highly dislike him. He's so loud and obnoxious, constantly pestering me, somehow appears everywhere. He's just a dick. And to make it better our familes are best friends.

Fuck my life.

I roll out of bed and get ready.

my outfit ^^

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my outfit ^^

I hear a car pull up downstairs and i wonder my way down where Cody and his parents stand.

"Don't you look beautiful." His mum smiles. My cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"Thank you." I kiss her cheek and give his dad a hug.

Unlike Cody, his parents are so sweet and kind. They are so loveable. They are like second parents to me.

Our parents don't know how much we hate eachother. Sure they know we have our differences but when we're all together, we have to play it off.

Like everything is fine.

The parents start talking and beginning conversation. I look at Cody as he's wearing a semi-tight black shirt and dress pants.

"Hi, Li." He has a smug grin on his face. He has always called me Li. Everyone calls me Al and he wanted to be 'original'.

"Cody." I grumble. He knows his little pet names get on my nerves. Li is the best of them. But his other ones like darling and sweetheart kill me.

We all file into one car, me and Cody at the very back of the 7 seater next to eachother.

As we're sitting i feel Cody poke my cheek. I turn to him with a glare.

"Can i help you?"

"I'm bored."


"Entertain me."

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