Chapter 15: Happy Meal

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The call i've been dreading. My parents.

I take a deep breath and answer as i stand alone in the dorm.

"Hi mum." I whisper.

"Cody." She grumbles.

"How's it goi-"

"Cut the fucking bull shit."

My palms go sweaty as my legs begin to shake.

"Why did you get a B? In PE too? Your better than that Cody. Do we need to pull you out of hockey so you can focus on in-class PE?"

"No mum let me explain. I was sick for a week and i couldn't hear and i wasn't aloud to do anything physical. Don't pull me out of hockey please." Tears run down my cheeks.

"We're really disappointed in you, Cody. Not once have you got a B in PE."


"I'm sorry."

"It's too late for sorry."

"What can i do to fix it?"

"Nothing, Cody. If you get a B for the end of semester report you'll be in a lot of trouble."

"I won't. I promise."


"Goodbye mum. I love you."

"Goodbye." She hangs up the phone as i slide onto the floor leaning against the wall as my chest rises and falls my body shaking.

There's so much pressure, exceptions i can't meet. I'm doing my best. It's all i can do. But i can't seem to impress my parents.

Tears roll down my cheeks as i overthink anything humanly possible. All i want is to make people happy and i keep screwing up.

The front door opens Allie coming in. I keep my eyes on her figure. So perfect.

"Cody? What's wrong?" She walks towards me.

"My mum called." I whisper.

Allie gets onto the floor next to me leaning against the wall also.

"What did she say?" She wipes my tears as we look into eachothers eyes.

"I disappointed them."

"No you didn't."

"I did. She told me."

"It's not your fault."

"I can't make them happy."

"You do. You make everyone happy. Whenever your around everyone instantly feels happier. So what if your parents don't appreciate you like you deserve. You don't have to be with them forever."

"Thank you."

"It's okay."

We just look at eachother. Her fucking green eyes sending me into a spiral.

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