Chapter 7: Motivation

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"Get the fuck off her." Cody's voice rumbles. I pull away from Jayden and step away from him.

He takes a step back towards me and i shake my head. I finally look at Cody. His body is tense. But his eyes are soft. Sad.

"We're going home." Cody mumbles.

"We just got here." Jayden groans turning to him and wrapping his arm around my waist.

I grab his hand taking it off me. Cody's eyes travel to my waist then to Jayden's hand that brushes against mine.

"I don't care if we just fucking got here, we're going home." Cody sneers walking out.

"Jeeze, he's a fucking party pooper."

"He's just protective, i've known him forever. That's all."

"Why are you defending him? Don't you hate him?"

"I gue-"

"Great, so let's just stay here and call and uber to leave."

He leans in to kiss me again. I back up.

"I'm leaving." I walk away my heals clunking on the floor, Jayden following behind me.

I go downstairs and out the door and see Cody leaning against his car talking with Brodie as Ellie is clinging to his arm smiling up at him.

Cody's eyes draw to mine as i walk towards them. He looks so sad. He opens the door for me and i climb in.

I think it's habit at this point. He has always opened the door for me. As a kid his dad asked him too and now he does it everytime.

Everyone else files into the car and we drive in silence, the faint sound of music and his car fills the air.

Cody grips the steering wheel tightly. His veins out running along his hands and arms. His knuckles slowly turn white at the force.


We walk into the dorm silently. This is so awkward. We both get ready for bed and lay down.

I still can't believe we have to share a bed. As i'm falling asleep i can feel Cody shifting around.

He keeps tossing and turning.

"Get up if you can't sleep." I whisper.


We stay silent for a moment.

"Can we talk?" His voice rasps tiredly. I roll over to face him.


"What is going on with you? Seriously. Your not trying as hard in school, your partying, making out with guys. And Jayden, seriously? What in your right fucking mind would make you want to kiss his foul mouth."

"I don't know he asked and i said yes."

"You should learn to say no. If i asked you to make out right now would you say yes?"



"See. Not that hard."


"What's happening with you?"

"I don't know. I just don't want to be at this stupid school. I want to go home."

"I know."

"But i'll be fine."

"If you say so."

"I'm sleeping now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Li."

I stare at the ceiling thinking.

I seriously don't know what's going on with me. It's like i've lost all motivation to do any school work. I don't really care about school. It's just too difficult and i can't seem to keep up. No matter how hard i try and study i'm still not good enough so i may as well not try.

It's like one day i woke up and my will to work left.

I'm going to try and have some fun while i'm here. Anything to get me back home. Maybe i'll be expelled, then i can go to my home town again. I miss it there.

Naughty, naughty girl

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Naughty, naughty girl.

I feel bad for Cody

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