Chapter 11: Brownie

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Ellie is drag into me to a party. I don't really want to go, i don't feel like it. And me and Cody have been going so well lately, i don't want him to get mad.

We've been bickering less. Sure we still banter but it feels different. Me and Ellie walk out my room in matching short dresses.

"Where the fuck are you two going?" Cody stares from the kitchen.

"A party." Ellie smiles.

"Allie, we talked about this." He looks at me.

"I know, but hey it's a weekend. It's the time for parties."

He lets out a sigh.

"No fucking drinking, no eating anything, and stick together at all times, no bending over."

"What kind of rule is that?"

"Your skirts are fucking short, no bending over."

"Jeeze fine."

"Call me if you need."

"I will."

He takes a deep breath.

"Have fun."

"We will, bye looser." I shut the door as we walk out.

Ellie drives 20 minutes to the party. As soon as we get there i start to get anxious.

There's people everywhere. Making out, drunk, throwing up, fights. It's crazy, a lot busier than some of the other parties we've been too. Maybe i should of listened to Cody on the party outfit. I feel so out there.

"This is so exciting!" Ellie smiles as she grabs my hand and drags me inside.

She instantly goes to the kitchen to get drinks, breaking Cody's first rule.

I'm standing alone, in this massive house. Knowing barely anyone. All these kids look to be in college, i don't even know how Ellie found out about this party.

I spot a plate of brownies. They look so yummy. I know Cody said no eating but what's one brownie?

I take a bite. It tastes so good, it has a bit of a weird taste but i like it.

Maybe i'll just have one more.


4 brownies later i feel great. I am still starving hungry. I feel like i could eat a horse.

I watch as Ellie is dancing with a guy as they grind against eachother. Crazy.

I get a call from Cody and i quickly pick up and step outside in the front yard so it's quieter.

"How's it going?" He asks.

"Great. I had four brownies and i feel amazing. I'm still starving hungry though."

"Allie, are you fucking with me?"

"No. I seriously ate four brownies. They were sitting there and loo-"

"Fucking hell. I'm coming to get you."

"But i'm having funnnn." I start giggling.

"Your fucking high." I hear his car door slam.

"I'm not high. I ate brownies. I'm going to go eat more. Bye bestie boo."

"Don't you fuc-"

I hang up the phone and walk inside grabbing another brownie.

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