Chapter 24: Library

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As im in the library picking a book off the shelf i feel hands on my waist. I turn around and see Cody.

"Hey." I smile.

He doesn't say anything and just kisses me passionately as his hands roam my body.

"What are you doing?" I giggle.

"I don't deserve you." He whispers between kisses.

He pulls away and looks at me bringing his hand up tucking my hair behind my ears.

"I love you." He whispers.

"Really?" I tilt my head.

He lets out a small chuckle.

"I do. I really love you."

"I love you." I whisper against his lips.

He smiles connecting our lips again.

"I'm going to beat you on our history test." I whisper as he trails kisses to my neck.

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhm. Wait till we get our scores."

"Fuck." He groans into my neck.


"Your just so fucking beautiful."

"Thank you."

"Take you underwear off."


"Take them off."

My heart beats out my chest as i look around making sure no-one is near. I slowly reach my hands under my skirt sliding down my panties as Cody sucks on my neck.

I lift my feet sliding my underwear over my shoes. Cody grabs them and puts them in his blazer pocket.

His hand travels up my skirt and his thumb presses to my clit making me gasp.

As much as i want to stop this, the fact we could get caught makes it so much more hot.

I dig my head into his neck biting down on it to conceal my sounds as he slides two fingers in my entrance. He slowly starts working them as i moan into his neck.

"Your so fucking horny you can't wait till we get back to the dorm?" I whisper.

"With all dear respect, sweetheart, your the one thats letting me finger fuck you in the school library."

"Y-you came h-here first."

He lets out a chuckle.

"N-n-no ii mean you ap-pproached me w-while i was here."

"Mmm." He quietly groans sending me over the edge.

I release as i bite his neck containing my squeal.

"So beautiful." He kisses me pulling his fingers out.

"I can't believe i let you do that." I whisper resting our foreheads together.

He softly smiles looking into my eyes. He pulls a tissue out his pocket and reaches back up my legs under my skirt wiping me clean before pocketing the tissue.

"I lov-"

"Step away!"

Me and Cody snap our heads and see a teacher. Cody let's out a groan stepping away from me.

I don't have any underwear on!

"You can not be kissing in the school library." She sneers looking between us both.

If only she saw us minutes earlier.

"Sorry." We mumble at the same time.

"Get out of here." She points. We both walk next to eachother hiding in our giggles.

We make it back to the dorm finally.

"Give me my underwear." I turn to him.

He smirks pulling them out his blazer handing them back to me. I slide them back on and jump as i lift them up.

Cody let's out a chuckle.

"Your cute." He kisses my forehead before walking into his bedroom.

" He kisses my forehead before walking into his bedroom

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Uh so basically

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