Chapter 22: Chips or chicks

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I get to the dorm and rummage through my bag when i realise i forgot my fucking keys.

I call Cody and he doesn't pick up. Jerk.

I take my bag off and put it next to the door flopping onto the hard wood floor.

I just lay there looking up at the roof bored out of my mind. I grab my book and begin reading.

I hear a noise and i roll my head over and jump when i see Cody laying next to me staring at me.

"What the fuck." I pant. He smiles looking at me.

"How long have you been there for?"

"5 minutes?"

"Why were you dead silent? You could of just unlocked the door for me."

"Oh that's why your out here." He sits up as do it.

"Well yeah, why didn't you pic-"

I stand up and turn around seeing a bunch of roses leaning against my bag. I slowly smile.

"Are those for me?"

"Yeah. I got them earlier. Sorry i didn't pick up i left my phone inside." He mutters unlocking the door.

"Oh right. Thank you for the flowers." I place my stuff on the kitchen table turning to him. He smiles and grabs my waist sliding me onto the kitchen bench.

He leans down kissing me.

"I hope you like them." He whispers between kisses.

"I love them."


"I've missed you all day." He smiles his dimple deepening.

"I've missed you too."

"I've got a hockey game tonight. You have to come."

"I will be there."

"Good. You make me less nervous."


"Mhm. Accept for when you look at me."

"Sorry, i'll look at the other boys instead." I mock.

"You better fucking not."

"Well then i can't win can i?"

"Just look at me and i'll be nervous about that and not the game."

I nod kissing his singular dimple.


I'm chatting with Flora as we walk into the ice-arena hot chips and drinks in hand. We take a seat in the bleachers eating.

"Oh my god these chips are amazing." I gasp eating more.

"Holy shit." Flora whispers eating more.

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