Chapter 19: Gay gang

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As i'm walking out in the school courtyard i feel someone grab my hand. I snap my head and see Cody. My boyfriend of two weeks.


"Hi." I blush.

He grabs my hand and pulls me under a small pavilion in the yard out the view from anyone. He presses me against the wall as he leans down and kisses me.

I kiss him back and fiddle with his tie.

"I miss you." He muffles into my neck as he kisses it.

"You'll see me in class soon."

"But i can't kiss you or touch you."

"You've lived this whole time, you'll be fine."

"Bitch." He mutters under his breath. I push his chest as he leans off me.

I glare up at him as he smiles cutely.

"I'm kidding." He rolls his eyes.

"Mhm." I pull him back to me by his tie kissing him.

The bell rings and we both groan pulling away. We wonder our way up to the lockers and grab our books heading to class.

"Okay, who knows who was the first ruler of the mongol Empire?" The teacher questions.

Me and Cody both shoot our hand up sending eachother a glare. This is fun.


Yes. Cody let's out a groan.

"It was first led by Genghis Khan and lasted from 1206 until 1268." I smile.

"Very good. Anything to add Cody?"

"No." He grumbles crossing his arms. The teacher nods and moves on. He then looks at me and smiles.

"Bathroom?" He mouths.

I shake my head.

"I want a kiss."

"You can wait." I mouth back. He just rolls his eyes.


While Cody is at hockey practise i'm in the library studying. I look up and see a blonde girl talking to Jayden. Jesus christ.

Is that his new girl?

I watch as Jayden reaches his hand out to touch her waist but she shakes her head taking a step back.

I quickly get up and go over to them.

"Leave her alone, Jayden." I glare. The girl looks up at me with a face of relief.



He groans and leaves the library and the blondie turns around to face me.

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