Chapter 10: Bobby Pin

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"God i hate you so much right now. Seriously. Why did you do this?" Allie groans.

"I didn't expect this to happen!"

Right now me and Allie are stuck inside a tiny storage closet. Why?

She was ignoring all me all fucking day so i pulled her in here to make sure she was okay.

She said she was good but now we got locked in here. How? I have no idea.

"Jesus christ." She whispers.

"Okay can we actually work together on this and get out of here?" I look at her.


"Do you have a bobby pin by chance?"

She sighs and pulls one out her hair and handing it to me, a few strands of her hair falling down. Fuck.


I stick it in the door knob and twist and jiggle it a bit. I hear a click.

Allie twists the doorknob and it opens.

"Oh thank god." She whispers walking out.

"You know, if we didn't hate eachother we would probably make a great duo." Allie looks at me with a smile as we walk down the halls. I snap my head to her.

"Wait, you actually hate me? I thought it was all fun and games."

"Oh i don't know, we have a very interesting relationship Cody."


"I guess. I don't hate you though."

"Oh well, i don't hate you. That much." I shove her over slightly as she giggles.

I hope she doesn't actually hate me.

As we're walking Jayden comes towards us.

"Hey." Allie smiles. Don't smile at him Li. He's not worth it.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks.

"Yeah sure."


"I'll see you later." Allie looks at me. I give a nod before they walk off.

I turn around and go to Brodie's dorm.

"Hey Cod."

"Hey." I mumble slumping on the couch next to him as he watches 'Teenage Ninja Turtles'.

"What's with you?"

"Do you think Allie hates me?" I look at him.

"No. I think it's how your relationship works."


"Her and Jayden are close." I look back at the tv as i feel tears storm the back of my eyes but i ignore them. He stays silent, i can feel him still looking at me.

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