Chapter 4: Trials

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It's the end of the lesson and we're waiting for our quiz grades. The teacher walks around the class room handing them out.

"I'm going to do better than you." Allie whispers.

"Don't be too cocky darling, when i win it might hurt your ego."

"God your a dick."

"Thanks." I smile.

We get our papers.

I look at the beaming 98 on my page. Yes.

"What did you get, Li?"

"97.5" She rolls her eyes.

"Better luck next time, love." I stand up and push her head down slightly before walking out hearing her groan.

I feel bad i won.

After i put my books away in my locker i go to the cafeteria for lunch. I spot Allie and Jayden sitting together. Fucking hell.

I wait in line for my food before i walk to the table where Brodie and Ellie are also. I slump down opposite Allie as she's giggling with Jayden.

I want her attention.

I just sit there my eyes trapped on them together. I can't even focus on Brodie blabbering next to me.

I feel Allie kick me under the table. Her eyes finally lock with mine.

"Stop staring." She mouths.


She rolls her eyes looking back at Jayden. Talk to me.

"Hockey try-outs are tonight. You joining?" I look at Jayden.

"Of course. I want to be captain."

"Weren't you captain at our old school, Cody?" Allie looks at me.

Damn right babe.

"Yeah i was."

"Well, may the best man win." Jayden smirks at me.

I internally roll my eyes. What a fucking prick.

"I'm going tonight." Brodie says.

"I knew that idiot. We met at hockey."

"I may of quit in the years apart."

"I can't imagine that Broccoli."

Jayden chokes out a laugh.

"Broccoli?" He laughs.

I turn my head glaring at him.


"Why'd you call him that?"


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