Unwavering Will

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The creature slowly made its way into the room.
"Jack! Think of something!" Cyrus shouted
Jack looked around the room for an exit or a place to hide but none existed. "we're gonna have to fight it..." Jack said slowly.
"Fight it!? Are you mad!?" Cyrus backed away from Jack.
"Just trust me... See that bone? Use it as a club." Jack pointed to one of the cages.
Cyrus hesitated before running over and grabbing the bone and prepared himself, shaking from fear.
Jack pulled the rusted knife out of his pocket. "Just hope we can fend it off long enough to make an escape..." Jack thought to himself.
The creature lunged its hand at Jack, Jack quickly jumping to the side and slashing the beasts hand. The beast wailed in pain as the small cut dripped the black bloody substance. The ceature let out a growl and slapped Jack from the other side,the force of the blow sending Jack flying into a cage with a loud thud, his left arm broken and coughing up blood. Jack's vision blurred as he watched the creature make it's way towards him.
"H-hey ugly!" Cyrus said shakely as he throw a small bone at it. The bone bonked the creature in the back of the head, it let out a huff before turning to Cyrus and attempting to slap him. Cyrus side stepped and slammed the bone club into its arm. The creature wailed in pain attempting to slap Cyrus again, Cyrus once again side stepped and repeated his action. The creature growled loudly and rushed Cyrus with unnatural movements contorting and twisting before grabbing him with both hands. Cyrus stuggled. "L-let me go!" The creature began to squeeze slowly crushing Cyrus, Cyrus screamed in agony as he felt the preassure on his body.
"N-no..." Jack slowly stumbled to his feet his left arm limp. "L-let him go!" Jack throw a bone at the creature, the creature dropped Cyrus who began coughing and wheezing before blacking out. "I've come too damn far.." Jack winced in pain from his left arm being broken as he held it."To fucking die here..." Jack picked the rusty knife up off the ground gripping it underhand in his right hand. "So I'll be damned if we don't make it outta here alive!" a fire lit in Jack's eyes as he readied himself for the fight.
The creature roared and it attepted to use its claw like hands to slash at him, Jack jumped back and as the creatures hand slammed into the ground Jack ran up to it jumping off it and stabbing the creature in the face, digging the blade into its what would be flesh over and over before getting thrown off. He slid across the ground before getting back up. "Im only just getting started!" Jack shouted as he and the creature rushed each other. The creature lunged and Jack side stepped burrying the blade into the creature's arm and running along its arm cutting it up. The wound spewing the black blood. The creature wailed in pain and smacked Jack sending him flying again.Jack slammed into a cage knocking it over. He groaned and coughed up more blood before getting back up. He looked at the knife and saw that the blade broke. "Damn it!..." Jack looked around to find something to use as a weapon and saw that one of the cage bars was half broken. He quickly grabbed it and used all his strength to snap it off giving it a sharp pointed tip. "Perfect." The creature barreled towards Jack throwing another claw strike at him. Jack slide under the attack quickly and got up from it running at the creature. "We won't die here damnit!" He lunged with the pointed tip pointed at where he thought the creature's hear would be and impaled the creature. He ripped the pipe out and stabbed over and over as the creature wiled in pain before falling over. Jack let out a shout as he brought the pipe down impailing the creature's head on it, the creature stopped flailing and went limp. Jack was breathing heavy, "Fuck..." He limped over to Cyrus who was still out cold.
"ESCAPED SUBJECT VITAL SIGNS FLAT, LIFTING LOCKDOWN" The emergency voice spoke loudly echoing through the quiet room.
Jack pulled out his phone and snapped pictures of the room and the creature before grabbing Cyrus and dragging him up the stairs to the main lobby and out the front doors, the moonlight shinging down on them. "How long were we in there... It has to be close to midnight..." Jack limped his way to the fence and saw that a new hole was cut in it. He thought about who and how but pushed it from his mind believing the Takumi cut his way in. After taking a deep breath he squeezed himself and Cyrus through the hole and limped towards the car. "If this is the game you wanna play... Than war it is..." Jack thought to himself as he paused to catch his breath and looked at the moon that was shinging brightly down on them like a spotlight.


A hooded figure watched as Jack dragged Cyrus to the car and put him in before getting in the driver's side and speeding off. "So... Things are in motion just as predicted..." The hooded figure hopped off the nearby rooftop and landed on the ground safely. They removed the hood and a pair headphones they had on revealing a dog like creature, he had blue fur with white that went from under his chin down to his stomach and had a black line that went from his nose up to his hair line where he had short hair with a small tuft sticking out, he was about five feet tall and had a scar over his left eye. His left eye a faded color as he was blind in it from the injury, his right eye a brilliant midnight blue. "Good, Jack survived. He will be the spearhead for the revolution that will decide the fate of all three factions that will soon be born out of the tragedy to come... And I have full faith in him." The figure let out a small smile.
A female voice comes through the headphones, "Spell are you even listening to me!?"
Spell replied "Yeah, yeah. I hear ya... Let the war begin."

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