The Day Hope Died Part 2

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Abby returned to Spell, "Ready for your first crisis mission?"
"As ready as I'll ever be" Spell said, his voice uncertain.
"They'll be fine, right now we have to focus on saving as many lives as possible" Abby looked at Spell "You can use healing magic right?"
"Yeah... Why?" Spell turned to Abby.
"To keep us alive" Abby raised an eyebrow at his response.
"Right, we should get moving" Spell summoned his new weapon. It was a staff he had crafted for himself, its length was from his feet to his chest and the tip had a small bladded hook at the tip incase of close range fighting.
"Nice, came out well I see" Abby looked over the weapon in awe.
"Yeah, perfect size and weight too" Spell readied himself for the grueling battle ahead.
"Well, let's get this rescue mission on the road." Abby took point heading out into the residential district of the town.
As they approached the residential district they saw stuff only seen in movies. Bodies lie about, some missing clothes with unspeakable acts done to them.
Spell gripped his staff in anger, "all these people..." as they made their way through the district, it became apparent that they were finding more dead than lives they were saving.
"Something seems off about this... All the merc are rather weak... Almost like they are just to stall us." Abby spoke as they came to the end of the district that led to the center of the town.
"Yeah... I don't like the looks of it..." Spell was concerned.
"Thats because it is to stall you, and by now you'll be too late, we've given the master all the time he needed." Someone spoke as they came into veiw.
The figure was a tall guy with red and black hair, he had red eyes and held a katana.
"You.." Abby's voice bagan to shake with anger. "Tango! You fucker! How dare you show your ugly mug after what you've done to Cloud!" Abby shouted.
"Oh pipe down you worthless sack of shit, I'm tasked with killing you and that dog of yours." Tango scoffed at Abby's words.
"You ready Spell?..." Abby lowered her head, gritting he teeth.
"Yeah, whatever the hell this ugly fucker did, he will answer for it, if its got you so bent." Spell readied his staff.
Without hesitation Tango launched his attack. Abby barely doged his blade, the blade cutting off some hair. Abby punched Tango in the gut but he didn't flinch.
"That tickled!" Tango kicked Abby knocking her to the ground.
"Abby!... You bastard! Thundaga!" A bolt of lightning struck Tango stunning him. Abby quickly got up and punched Tango right in the face. Tango was sent sliding backwards.
"Such disrespect for a future king... I see the punishment as DEATH!" Tango began to focus his energy into his Katana.
"Stop him!" Abby shouted and pressed the attack.
"No time! Get behind me!" Spell prepared a spell.
Abby quickly slid between Spell's legs and behind him.
"Protect!" A bubble of magic shielded them.
"NOW DIE!" Tango sheathed his Katana and focused before quickly unsheathing it causing a shockwave to sweep the battlefield destroying nearby buildings and after the dust settled from it Abby and Spell still stood. "What!?" Tango grit his teeth in annoyance.
"Now!" Protect vanished and Abby attacked, hitting Tango with a three hit combo knocking him back.
"Thundaga!" a bolt of lightning struck Tango.
Tango breathed heavily. "Being overpowered by two lowly fools!? No more!" Tango slammed his Katana into the ground blade first and armor began to appear on him. The armor was a beautiful silver, from the helmet his hair was tied up like a samurai and it came out the back of the helmet. "Come on than! If you're so tough than let's see how you handle this!" In a blink of an eye Tango slammed thehilt of his blade into Abby's stomach and she flew backwards into a nearby building. As she made contact blood spewed from her mouth, She hit the ground with a thud.
"Abby!" Spell shouted in concern. "You bastard... You wanna play this game?... SO BE IT!" Spell's Staff floated infront of him. "LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH!" Spell began to summon something. "FENRIR!" Multiple tails sprouted from Spell where his tail was and his eyes glowed an electric blue. His staff disappeared and his paws where now razor sharp claws. "Come on tought guy!"
Spell and Tango clashed sending out a shockwave of energy that shattered windows.
"What is this!? You shouldn't be able to summon deitys without dying!" Tango shouted not knowing how to react. "Who are you!?"
"Wouldn't you liked to know edgy boy!" Spell dodged a slash from Tango's blade and attacked him with his claws unleashing a deadly combo that ended in a rising whirlwind, where Spell grabbed Tango and throw him into the ground.
Tango slammed into the ground, his armor cracking.
"You bastard!" Tango retaliated with a counter attack cutting Spell across his cheek as he barely managed to side step the attack.
"You're fast, I'll give you that" Spell kicked Tango in the gut stunning him before slamming his elbow into him knocking him to the ground. "Be gone!" Spell kicked Tango as hard as he could sending him flying through a few buildings.
Spell rushed after him with blinding speed.
Tango staggered to his feet and side stepped Spell's attack slamming his hilt into Spell causing him to faulter and fall skidding across the ground.
"Stop!" Time slowed down as he unleshed a flurry of attacks and as he sheathed his blade time resumed "Judgement cut!"
Multiple gashes appeared on Spell as he yelped in pain. Blood painted the walls around him.
"I've... I've had enough!" Spell focused all his energy. "Be consumed by MOONLIGHT! LUNAR BAY!" A bright beam of moonlight shoots down from the sky engulfing Tango. Tango shriked in pain as his armor was melted away leaving him heavily injured.
Spell panted as the summon forcefully vanished leaving Spell weak. He limped over to Abby and picked her up, wincing in pain as he does. "W-we can't give up now... They need us..." He carried Abby towards the warehouse.


A figure approached Tango who lay in the rubble barely alive. "You poor thing..." He injected something into his veins. "Come, you hate them too don't you? Rise a new and join me as we craft a kingdom to rule over this land."

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