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Everything was a blur as Jack and Jason rushed through the halls back to the safe area. A guard bloodied and dying had kept the strength to make to them to tell them what had happened. Jack could feel his eyes fill with tears, he was afraid to lose everything, everyone. As they rounded the corner to the hall that led to the safe area the site was morbid. Bodies torn apart, half eaten, blood and guts everywhere. Jason vomited from the sight, shaken to the core. Jack fought back his tears as he walked over bodies and through puddles of blood towards the entrance. Jason quickly caught up still feeling sick and stayed close to Jack.
A voice echoed through the now dark and grotesque scene. "How nice of you to join me Jack" a familiar voice rang through Jack's mind.
"Steven? Thank god you're ok, what happened!?" Jack began to run towards him but Jason grabbed his arm and motioned that something was wrong.
Steven turned to Jack "of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be? After all this reward for making a fool out of you was perfect."
Jack was overwhelmed with emotion and tightly gripped his great sword till his hand hurt like hell. "You... you killed them all? Why?... WHY WOULD YOU!?" He shouted.
"Don't you see? No one is meant to leave here alive" Steven chuckled.
Jack without warning rushed Steven and swung his blade and as the blade made contact with with Steven it just phased through him.
"What?" Jack managed to say before being smacked away.
Steven laughed, "that tickled"
"Just what the hell are you!?" Jack wiped blood from his mouth as Steven began to change shape.
"The ultimate Furnetic, designed to be the perfect assassin... Prototype 860... Soul Mimic, I can kill and take the place of any living creature just by killing and asorbing their soul and manipulate my body to take any form." A sick and twisted smile spread across his face.
"I don't care what you are! I'll avenge those you killed!" Jack shouted.
"I'd like to see you try!" Steven and Jack clashed, Steven's arm a blade now.
Jason rushed Steven and slashed at him with his clawed knuckles only for the claws to pass through Steven.
"You don't learn do you!?" Steven elbowed Jason in the stomach and threw him over his shoulder right into Jack throwing them both across the room.
"Don't you see? You humans are inferior!" Steven walked towards them.
Jason slowly got up, "we gotta make a run for the elevators... we have to go up... We can't win this fight"
Jack stood up and nodded, "going up is our best option..."
They both took off full sprint out of the safe area with Steven giving chase, "oh no you don't!?"
As they ran through the halls Steven was quickly gaining on them.
"I don't think we'll make it!" Jack shouted.
As they ran down the final hall towards the elevator Jason skid to a stop and turned around watching as Steven barreled around the corner and Jack ran into the elevator as Steven drew closer
"What are you doing!?" Jack shouted! "Let's go!"
Jason shook his head, we won't both make it, I'll hold him off" Jason pressed the elevator button as Steven caught up.
"No you're coming with me!" Jack began to reach out to Jason but Jason smacked his hand forcing Jack to recoil.
"It's ok..." Jason looked over his shoulder at Jack with tears in his eyes. "I have no one to return to, I'm an orphan remember? You have family and friends to return to" Jason looked forward and readied himself for a fight he can't win. "You have to live, you have to make it out of here, someone needs to tell our story... And it's gonna be you!" Jason shouted and Jack could only watch as Jason began to fight with Steven before being grabbed as the elevator doors closed. Jack ran to the doors and pounded on them. "Jason! JASON!!!" He yelled, tears streaming down his face. He punched the elevator doors and screamed in sorrow as all he could hear was the pained screams of Jason as he was torn apart. As the elevator came to it's stop it dinged and the doors opened to a quiet empy hallway. Jack was the only survivor left with Luna and Fenrir missing.

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