Chapter 7

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Eli spent the past few hours trying to convince me to dye his hair. He kept saying it would boost his confidence and people would stop bullying him. I finally caved in and we went to the store to buy some hair dye. 

I stood behind Eli, who sat on a chair in front of his bathroom mirror, Reading the directions for the hair dye. I put on the gloves that came with the dye and squeezed everything into the main bottle. I shook up the bottle until the product looked right.

" Are you sure you want to do this? Once it's done you can't go back." I questioned.

He seemed to think for a moment before replying. "I'm sure." 

I applied the dye to his hair until the contents of the bottle was gone. We let it sit for 30 minutes as the directions said. I waited in his room as he rinsed out the dye from his hair. 

A few minutes later he slowly walked into the room. "How do I look?" 

"Holy shit Eli. You look badass." 


The next day, Me and Eli decided to go back to Cobra Kai. I walked in first, obviously interrupting what Johnny was saying.

" Sparky. Welcome back." He nodded in my direction. I nodded back as Eli walked in from behind me.

"Welcome to Cobra Kai." Everybody looked in Eli's direction.

"Eli, what happened?" Miguel asked.

"He's flipping the script." I answered for him.

"Wait. Are you the kid with the lip?" Johnny walks closer. "Nice cut, bro." 

"You see that?" He pointed at Eli. "Doesn't matter if you're a loser or a nerd or a freak. All that matters is that you become badass." He walked back to the front of the room.

"Hawk. Sparky." He called. "Fall in." 

We kicked off our shoes and walked to the two empty spots in the front.

"Fear does not exist in this dojo, does it?" Johnny walked up to Eli and asked.

"No, Sensei!"

"Pain does not exist in this dojo, does it?" He walked up to me and asked.

"No, Sensei." 

" Defeat does not exist in this dojo, does it?" He walked up to Miguel and asked.

"No, sensei." 

Johnny walked back to the front, turning towards the mirrors. "Class, are you ready to learn the way of the fist?" 

"Yes, Sensei!"

I'm All Yours- Eli "Hawk" MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now