Chapter 27

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"Man, it was so sick! Tory was just kickin' ass." Mitch discussed the events at Golf N' stuff. "I took care of Chris. Oh, and Hawk got that beta Demetri in an arm bar like Chris Jericho and just..." He imitates breaking an arm. "Cold-blooded."

Hawk just looks around, a sad expression on his face. I noticed and slipped my hand into his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. He smiled at me and squeezed back. 

"Way to go, Hawk." Red congratulated. 

"I didn't think you were actually gonna do it." Tory came up to him. 

"Yeah, well, they got what they deserved for what they did to Miguel." I nodded. 

She looks down. 

"You still haven't seen him, have you?" Hawk asked. 

"I don't wanna talk about it." She shakes her head and then walks away. 

Suddenly, Kyler and his goon friend walk through the door, Smiling. 

"Class." Kreese walked to the front of the room. "Welcome our new students." 

Mitch walked up to Kyler and his friend. "I'm gonna call you guys... Chodenose and Taintbreath." He laughed. 

"What the hell did you just say?" Kyler walked closer to him. 

"Oh, uh, nothing. It's just this thing we do around here sometimes." Mitch kept looking back at the other students. 

Kyler then moved toward him, acting like he was gonna hit him. Mitch flinched back and Kyler laughed.

"Ok." Mitch walked away. 

I shake my head and walk over to Krees, Hawk following me. "Sensei, I don't think these guys are Cobra Kai material." 

"Weren't you guys the ones saying that we should get new recruits?" He squinted his eyes at us. 

"Well, yeah, But we know some of these guys. They're-" I tried to say. 

"Natural athletes." Kreese interrupted. "Which is exactly what's been missing in our dojo." 

"Everyone, fall in." He then demanded. Me and hawk bowed and walked to our spots in the front.

"Joining Cobra Kai is a privilege. it's not a gift. Which is why our recruits must earn their position in this dojo." 

Me and Hawk looked back, glancing at Kyler. 

"Only the strong will survive." 


"Class! Prepare for combat!" 

Everybody took a place around the mat. Kyler then went to walk to a spot, stopping in front of me and Hawk.

"Holy shit! You remember? Look, it's the kid with the lip!" Kyler told his friend. "Yo, I thought he moved."

"Oh, shit. You're right! right!" His friend responded. "The hair kinda distracts you from it." They laughed. Hawk went to cover his lip like he did when he would get bullied. I pulled his hand away from his lip, Intertwining our fingers. 

I'm All Yours- Eli "Hawk" MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now