Chapter 5

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For the past few weeks, we had continued training. Johnny was using baseballs to teach us blocking. Currently, Johnny and Miguel were fighting. Miguel blocked every hit and kick that Johnny threw his way. Miguel blocked one of Johnny's hits and swept his leg. Johnny landed on his back.

"Sick Moves Miguel." I cheered. Johnny then pressed the remote that controlled the baseball machine, and the ball hit Miguel's ear.

"What the hell? That wasn't fair." Miguel dropped to the ground, holding his ear.

"You only did that because you lost, you loser." I walked towards them.

"I'm not a loser. It's part of the lesson." Sensei glares at me. " You want a fair fight? Dream on. Your enemies won't always play by the rules." 

"But my ear." Miguel whined.

"What if that baseball was your enemy's friend coming at you from behind? You have to be prepared for everything." Johnny continued as Miguel slowly stood up.

"Let me look." Johnny demanded. As he moved Miguel's hand I looked closer.

"Dude, It looks like your ear is going to fall off." I winced.

" His ear isn't going to fall off. It's fine. Don't be a baby." He stepped back.

Suddenly the doors to the dojo opened and the bell chimed. Weird hippie-looking women walked into the dojo. "Hello. It's 5:00. Twilight is upon us."

"They definitely arent here for karate." I turn to Johnny, crossing my arms and waiting for answers.

"Don't give me that look. I had to sublet the dojo for a few hours. Just till we get more students." We all turn to look at the women.

"We need to change the energy in here."  They put a banner on top of the "STRIKE FIRST- STRIKE HARD- NO MERCY" words that were on the wall. Some weird music started playing. "center your energy."

"This is definitely some weird shit." 


The next day, we were back in the dojo. Miguel was practicing with Johnny, and I was practicing on a dummy.

"What's the second rule of the way of the Fist?" Johnny asked.

"Strike hard." Me and Miguel answered.

"That's right." Miguel went back to fighting him. " There's only one reason to hit someone. To inflict pain. Striking hard is about giving your all." 

Suddenly the Bell above the door jingles, signaling that the doors opened. "What the hell? No yoga til five. No matter how bad you need it." I Look over and see Aisha.

" Hey! You finally came." I jog over and hug her.

" Yeah." She smiles. I pulled away and let her speak.

"Um, I'm actually here for karate. Olivia Suggested it the night of the Halloween party, and I thought I should come check it out. She mentioned there was supposed to be a session today." She informs.

I'm All Yours- Eli "Hawk" MoskowitzWhere stories live. Discover now