You cost me my title

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Demi and I are going out to confront Rey and Dominik tonight and this is my ring gear:

Dominik and Rey are in the ring cutting a promo but the sound of my theme song interrupted them then Demi and I walked out with microphones in our hands "Rey, Rey, no one wants to hear about Dominik's win yesterday at Survivor Series, what they do...

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Dominik and Rey are in the ring cutting a promo but the sound of my theme song interrupted them then Demi and I walked out with microphones in our hands "Rey, Rey, no one wants to hear about Dominik's win yesterday at Survivor Series, what they do want to know is, why you cost Alexa her title" Demi told Rey "Yeah, about that Rey, why did you cost me my title?" I asked "Look Alexa, I didn't know that title meant that much to you, when I saw your face when you walk passed me, I felt bad, really I did, but if you're waiting for me to apologize, then you're going to be waiting for awhile" Rey told me "No Rey that's not why we're out here" I replied as Demi and I got into the ring "Then why are you out here?" Rey asked "Because you cost me my match and my title, that was a stupid, stupid thing to do" I told him "But you said you weren't out here because of that" Rey said "No, I said we're not out here for an apology" I corrected him "Where's Damien and Finn?" Dominik asked "Oh, he speaks" I said in a fake shocked tone "To answer your question, they're not here, they're off promoting Hell In A Cell" I told him "Your eyes are so pretty" I complimented him "Hey, Hey, don't you dare, Dominik don't fall for her act" Rey told his son "Wow Rey, you don't believe that I might be falling for your son?" I asked him "Why are you really out here?" Rey asked us "To fight" I said as I seen Finn and Damien roll into the ring as they stood behind Rey and Dominik "You two want to fight?" Rey asked "Yeah, but they do too" I said as I looked behind them, they turned around and they were met with fists to the face, I walked over to the turnbuckles and I sat on the top rope, Demi stalked towards Dominik and Dominik walked backwards and he walked right into the corner where I'm sitting, I wrapped my legs around his neck and I squeezed my legs as hard as I could, he was barley trying to get out of my hold, his face is now going red, Finn and Damien made Rey watch what I'm doing to his son, I let go of Dominik a few seconds later because referees came running down to the ring so I climbed off the rope and I landed on my feet I looked and seen Dominik was trying to catch his breath in the corner where I was choking him, I walked over to him and I gently ran my hand threw his hair "Stop being in your fathers shadow, make a name for yourself, join us, join The Judgement day, turn on your dad and Edge before they turn on you" I told him and he looked at me with confusion on his face "You literally just had me in a chokehold" Dominik said and I chuckled "Yeah, one you were barley trying to get out of and I didn't want to choke you, but I had too" I said with a smirk "Just think about it alright?" I asked him and he shook his head no "Dominik, join us, they will turn on you sooner or later, why wouldn't you want to be a few steps ahead of them?" I asked Dominik as I grabbed his hand and held it with both my hands "He's my father, Edge is my dads best friend, they wouldn't just turn on me like that" Dominik said "Oh so you're forgetting the fact that your dad eliminated you at the Royal Rumble? Because I don't recall that being in the script for him to eliminate you" I told him and he looked down at his feet "Do you really wanna be in your dads shadow forever? Don't you want to make a name for yourself?" I asked him as I rubbed his hand "Hey get away from him" Rey screamed at me as he tried getting away from the medics "Guess that's my cue" I said, I gently dropped Dominik's hand then backed away from Dominik and I rolled out of the ring and I walked over to my friends, I looked at Dominik and seen his father was talking to him but his eyes were glued to me, I gave him a smile and he kept staring at me.

When we got backstage we all went our separate ways, I sat on an equipment box and I scrolled through instagram for awhile.

I'm still on the equipment box, I got a message from Dominik telling me to meet him in his locker room in two minutes, I smiled at the message, hopefully he wants to turn on his dad and Edge, I stood up and I made my way to Dominik's locker room.

I opened the door and I walked in and I seen Dominik sitting on his couch so I walked over and I sat beside him "Why am I here?" I asked him "Because I'm conflicted alright, should I be asking you if all people what to do? Maybe not, maybe I should've told my dad what you told me out in the ring, but for some reason I didn't" Dominik told me and I smiled "That's because you do want to turn on your dad, good for you" I said and patted him on his shoulder "No, I don't, I don't know what I want to do" Dominik told me "You need convincing" I said and he gave me a look "If, by next week, Edge and your dad don't lay a hand on you, then forget everything I said to you out in the ring, but if one of them hurt you, join us" I explained "But he's my dad, he wouldn't hurt me" Dominik said "Who's to say it is your dad that's gonna hurt you?" I asked him "So you're saying Edge is gonna turn on me first and my dad is gonna side with him?" Dominik asked me and I nodded "Look, if nothing happens next week, then forget I said anything to you, if something does happen to you, join us, it's simple" I said as I stood up, "Goodbye" I said and left his locker room.

"Charlotte?" I asked as I walked down the hallway because I seen her sitting on a equipment box, she looked at me and she gave me a weak smile "Hey look I'm s-," Charlotte started but I cut over her "Don't you dare apologize, we had the match of our lives yesterday and damn girl you are one tough cookie" I told her with a smile and she laughed "You deserve it, although I wish Rey and Dominik hadn't come out so we could finish the match with a bang, but you did what you had to do, so I respect you for that" I told her and she smiled "I respect you too Lexi" she said and I gave her a hug and I sat next to her and we talked for an hour or two.

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