Oh you pussy

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Today Bianca and I are going to have a war of words and we're gonna be signing a contract for the title match at Mania, this is my outfit for tonight:

"Hey are we fighting tonight?" Bianca asked me as I left my locker room "Um I think we're gonna sign the contract first and I believe you're gonna try hit me with the KOD and I counter it?" I asked Bianca because I have no clue myself if the contr...

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"Hey are we fighting tonight?" Bianca asked me as I left my locker room "Um I think we're gonna sign the contract first and I believe you're gonna try hit me with the KOD and I counter it?" I asked Bianca because I have no clue myself if the contract signing is gonna turn into a fake fight "Alright that sounds good, I'll see you out there Bliss" Bianca said then she walked away.

Bianca and I are out in the ring now, we're both sitting down on the office chairs across the table from each other with Adam Pierce out here with us to make the match official "Can I just get one thing clear with you?" Bianca asked and I nodded "After WrestleMania, I'm done with you, we can have matches but not for my title" Bianca said so I picked up the microphone and I brought it to my mouth "I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean when you think you're going to have the title after WrestleMania, because I'm gonna be the one holding it after our match at Mania sweetheart" I told her "Sign the damn contract Alexa" Bianca demanded "You first, I want to know you're going to go through with the no DQ part of the match" I said so she picked up the pen and she signed the contract then she shoved the book over to me along with the pen so I signed it, "Are we done? Because I have places I need to be" I asked her and Adam, Bianca held out her hand for me to shake, I looked at her hand then I looked at her "I'm not shaking your hand Bianca" I told her then I walked past her, once I got over to the ropes, Bianca picked me up and put me on her shoulders, she flipped me over so that I would land on my face but instead I landed on my feet and I kicked her in the face and I immediately rolled out of the ring and I stared at Bianca who was laying on the canvas of the ring with zero energy and I smirked then I walked backstage.

"Hey Mami come here" I heard Dominik's voice so I turned around and seen him motioning for me to walk over to him "Yeah?" I asked him "I need your help" Dom told me "With?" I asked him "I'm pranking Finn" Dominik replied "How?" I asked "Well, after he comes in from his match he's gonna go to his locker room to get a shower, but I'm gonna have a bucket of water on top of the door so when he opens it the water will come down on him" Dominik explained "So you need me for what?" I asked "I need you to bring him straight to his locker room if he goes anywhere before going to his locker room" Dominik answered and I nodded my head in understanding "Thanks, I'll see you soon Mami" Dominik said and he walked away so I walked into the gorilla and I waited for Finn to come in from his match.

"Hey Lexi what're you doing here?" Finn asked "I was waiting for you actually" I told him "Why?" He asked "Well, I can't find Dominik, Demi or Damien so I thought I'd wait for you to come in for your match so you can get a shower then we can go get something to eat because I'm starving" I lied, I don't like lying but it's a white lie so it's fine "I was actually thinking of getting food first then I can shower so we can go now if you want?" Finn asked "No" I replied immediately and Finn gave me a confused look "What I mean to say was, if you eat first then you'll be too tired for a shower" I told him "Yeah you're right, alright you can wait in my locker room while I shower, I won't take long" Finn said and I smirked "Okay let's go" I said then we walked to Finn's locker room.

"You go first" Finn offered "Oh no it's okay you go first" I told Finn, he nodded then he opened his door and he walked in, the bucket tipped over and all the water poured onto Finn and I made sure to move back as soon as he opened the door so I don't get wet and thankfully I didn't, Dominik walked over to the door and he laughed at Finn "Who's idea was this?" Finn asked "It was Lexi's" Dominik blamed me "Oh you pussy" I said in fake shock "Yep, it was all her idea" Dominik told Finn, Finn turned around and he walked towards me with his arms open like he's looking for a hug "Hey it was Dominik's plan he just asked me to bring you to your locker room" I told Finn but he kept walking towards me, I looked around and seen Damien walking over so I ran to him and hid behind his back "What's wrong?" He asked me "Dominik pranked Finn but when Finn asked who came up with the prank Dom blamed me so now I'm trying to hide from Finn" I explained.

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