Are you alright

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I'm walking down the hallway of the arena by myself because I have no idea where my friends are, "Hey Lexi wait up" I heard Charlotte call out so I stopped walking and turned around and seen Charlotte jogging up to me "Hey Char what's up?" I asked her "Nothing much, Lexi I gotta talk to you" Charlotte said seriously "What's wrong?" I asked her "Listen, I don't know how to say this, but you should check your social media" Charlotte told me so I instantly pulled my phone from my pocket and I checked all my tags on instagram but nothing was there so I went onto my twitter and checked my tags on that and I seen a post from a wrestling update page and it said that Dominik and Rey have been seen backstage having a calm conversation, whoever took the photo of them said that Dominik was talking about turning on us after Mania, "Look half of what them pages say is fake news, but I want you to be safe then sorry" Charlotte told me.

"Dominik Óscar Gutiérrez" I said loudly as I approached him at the table in the cafeteria, he's sitting with Damien, Finn and Demi "Why did you say my full name?" Dominik asked worriedly "We need to talk" I told him as I sat down in front of him "What about?" Dominik asked "About the rumors circulating around social media about how you might turn on us after Mania" I informed him "Wh- What makes you think I'd turn on you guys?" Dominik asked shocked "Look, we don't care if you talk to your dad, he's your dad, we can't stop you from talking to him, that's none of our business, it's literally a storyline, but what is our business is if your having a change of heart, so why don't we just lay it out on the table, what were you guys really talking about?" I asked Dominik and he had a look of fear on his face "I was talking to my dad earlier, but I wasn't talking to him about turning on you guys after Mania, I d-" Dominik told me "Then what were you two talking about?" I cut across him "Lexi calm down" Dominik told me, "And he's a dead man" Damien whispered "It was nice knowing you mate" Demi said and gave Dominik a pat on his shoulder "Did you just tell me to calm down?" I asked in a calm yet scary tone "Dominik I need you to answer my next question alright?" I asked him and he nodded "What were you and Rey talking about?" I asked Dominik "He wanted to know if I'd stand with him at the Hall Of Fame alright?" Dominik told me "Okay I'm sorry for shouting and for getting angry" I said as I stood up, I walked around the table and I hugged Dominik from behind "Damn you can be scary Mami" Dominik said then he let out a sigh of relief "Mami?" Damien asked Dominik "Lexi do you know what Mami means?" Damien asked me "Yeah, Dom told me that's what Latino's call their female friends" I replied and Damien let out a laugh "Do you ever hear him call Demi Mami?" Damien asked and I shook my head, come to think of it, I've never heard Dom call Demi that "Dominik, care to explain?" Finn asked, "Lexi explained it all now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for my promo" Dominik said then he stood up and he basically ran out of the cafeteria with Damien following after him "That was weird" Demi said and I agreed with her.

"Alright, you ready?" I asked Dominik as he walked out of the bathroom that's in his locker room "Yeah, just about" he replied then we left his locker room.

"Hey, Dominik, Alexa, your timing got changed so you guys are gonna be the main event, Vince wants to talk to you guys" a producer told us, we thanked him then we made our way to Vince's office.

"Come in" Vince said after I knocked on his door, so Dom and I walked in "Ah, Alexa, Dominik, sit please" Vince said and gestured to the chairs in front of his desk "There's gonna be a bit of a script change for tonight" Vince told us "How do you mean?" I asked him "You guys are gonna kiss, if that's alright with you two" Vince explained.

Dominik and I are in the ring right now, Dom's mom and sister are sitting front row watching us, Dominik is cutting a promo on Rey and how Rey was never there for Dom through most of his childhood then Rey's theme song played then he walked out, when he got into the ring he grabbed a microphone then he stood in front of Dominik "Dominik what are you doing?" Rey asked "I'm telling the truth, I also want that match at Mania, I won't stop until I get it" Dominik replied and I nodded in agreement "Dominik, I'm not fighting you at Mania, get that out of your head, I'm gonna give you one last chance to walk away from Alexa to be with me and we can put this whole thing behind us" Rey said and he held his hand out for Dominik to take and obviously Dominik grabbed onto my hand to tell Rey he wants to be with me, Dominik turned to face me, he grabbed my chin with his index finger and his thumb then he leaned down and he kissed me very passionately after the kiss I turned to Rey and I spoke "Rey, listen buddy, I'm gonna say this in a way that you will understand, Dominik doesn't love you, that's why he will never choose you, he will always choose us, get that through your head alright?" I explained "Hey" I heard someone shout from the crowd so I looked around and spotted Dominik's sister looking at me "Are you trying to be scary or are you constipated?" I asked her and she huffed "Don't talk to her like that" Angie said and I gave her a wave with a sarcastic smile, "Can you stop being disrespectful for once?" Rey asked me and I gave him a fake offended look "Me? Disrespectful? No" I denied and he sighed "Look, Dominik, I'm not fighting you at Mania, end of" Rey told Dominik then he rolled out of the ring "Hey mom, did you know you married a deadbeat? Which actually makes you a deadbeat mom too" Dominik said as he rolled out of the ring with me following behind him, Angie stood up and snatched the microphone out of Dominik's hand "Dominik" Angie said then I grabbed the microphone out of her hand then Aalyah stood up and slapped me, I stumbled back a bit, Dominik just looked at his sister in shock "Don't ever disrespect my mom again" Aalyah shouted so I walked over to her, I brought my hand up and slapped her as hard as I could and she fell back into her chair, Aalyah stood back up, I tried jumping on her but Dominik grabbed me by the waist and he pulled me backwards so I couldn't attack Aalyah "Are you relaxed now?" Dominik asked after I stopped trying to get out of his grip "Yes" I replied "Are you lying?" Dom asked "Yes" I said and huffed "Dominik can't you see what she's done? She done this to our family" Angie shouted over the crowd "Mom" Dominik said into the microphone "Shut up" he yelled into his mothers face, I'm really surprised that he's still holding me, Rey walked over to us, Dominik put me down, Rey was about to hit Dominik but I pushed Dom gently out of the way so Rey's fist would connect with my face and it did, I fell with my head hitting really hard off the ground, I held my mouth with my right hand as I stared at Rey in pain, he didn't even apologize to me he just turned around and he attacked Dominik, I pulled my hand away from my mouth and I saw blood "Shit" I whispered, Dominik fell right by the ring so I crawled over and sat on my knees right in front of him while I held my hand up to stop Rey from attacking him "Damn Lexi are you alright?" Dominik asked me once he saw the blood from my mouth "Yeah, yeah I'm fine are you?" I asked him and he nodded.

Once Dominik and I got backstage I immediately went to the doctor's office "Hey Lexi, I seen what happened on Tv, how're you feeling?" Trainor asked me "I feel pain" I told him "Yeah, you took a punch from a man, I'm gonna have to check your mouth, just open for me" Trainor said so I opened my mouth and he had a look at it "It's just your lip, when Rey punched you, you must've bitten down on your lip without realizing" Trainor told me "Do I need stitches?" I asked him and he nodded, my phone started ringing so I answered it "Hey Lex where are you?" Demi asked "Trainors office, I have to get stitches on my lip" I told her "Alright we're all coming down" Demi told me then she hung up.

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