Meeting my family

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"I'm so happy I get to see my parents, I've missed them so much" I told Demi as we left the arena and made our way to the car "Yes, tell them I said hello" Demi said "Yeah I will, mom keeps asking me when you're coming over she misses you a lot" I explained "I miss her too, she'd always be prepared whenever you told her I'd be going around, remember that one time she had three tubs of vegemite for me?" Demi asked me and I nodded "Alright I'll see you guys later" I said as I walked Demi over to the car "Where you going?" Dominik asked me "Catching a flight to my parents house" I told him "Aren't you gonna be at the live event?" He asked me "No" I replied "But you one half of the women's tag champions and you're the raw women's champion" he said "I know, but I booked time off so I could visit my parents" I told him "Oh" he said quietly "Do you wanna come with me Dominik?" I asked with raised eyebrows "Yes" he said excitedly and I chuckled "Alright c'mon grab your stuff" I said so he climbed out of the car and he grabbed his stuff from the booth and he followed me over to the under that would be dropping us to the airport.

Dominik and I landed in Columbus Ohio, where I grew up, we rented out a car so that I could drive us to my childhood home.

It's been an hour, yes Dominik and I are still in the car and it's really hot outside "Wait does your family know about us?" Dominik asked "Yes Dominik, they know, so don't worry, my mom will love you" I told him and he nodded "Wait what? Only your mom will love me? What about your dad?" He panicked "Well, I am his baby girl so, expect him to be overprotective and 'threatening' dare I say" I replied then my phone started ringing so I answered it and put it on loud speaker "Hey dad what's up?" I asked him "Nothing, just wondering where you are, everyone is at the house waiting for you" dad informed me "Is your boyfriend beside you?" Dad asked "Yes he's right beside me" I replied "Tell him I want to have a talk with him when you guys get here" dad said "Alright I will, I gotta go now I love you dad" I said "Live you too sweetheart" he said then I hung up "Well, my whole family is at the house apparently" I said "You're dad sounds tough" Dominik said out of nowhere so I burst out laughing, what he said didn't even make sense.

I just pulled up outside of my childhood home, I looked at Dominik and he looked at me with a nervous expression on his face "Are you ready?" I asked him and he nodded so we both got out of the car together and we walked up to the front door and I opened it "Mom? Dad?" I called out "Lexi?" I heard my mom reply then she appeared at the kitchen door then she ran down and she hugged me and I hugged her back "Oh and you must be Dominik" mom said as she pulled away from me "Yeah, it's nice to meet you" Dominik replied "I'll let you too talk" I told them both then I dropped my bags and walked through the long hallway and walked through the door into the living room that's to the right and seen my dad, my aunt Mary, my uncle Hugh, my grandma Carole, my sister Sophie and my brother Hugh, who's names after my uncle "Lexi I missed you" Sophie said and she ran over and tackled me with a hug so I hugged her back. I hugged everyone and I talked to everyone "Where's your boyfriend?" Dad asked me "He's out in the hallway talking to mom" I told him, he nodded then he stood up and he walked past me but I grabbed his arm gently, he turned to look at me "Be nice please, I really like him" I whispered, he just gave me a nod then he left the living room to go talk to Dom "So, what do you want with my daughter?" I heard my dad ask Dominik, I walked out of the living room and walked down the hall "I don't know how to answer that" Dominik said hesitantly "Dad, what did I say to you?" I asked my dad "I just want to know what he wants with my daughter" dad told me and I rolled me eyes "C'mon Dominik you gotta meet the others" I said while grabbing Dominik's hand and walking him into the living room where most of my family is.

(Very short chapter Ik but the next chapter will be longer!!)

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