I think that's hot

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After we left Dominik's locker room I got dressed into this:

After we left Dominik's locker room I got dressed into this:

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Then I grabbed my bags and I got onto the bus.

We just arrived at the hotel, Demi and I are sharing a room again so I went up and put my bags in our room then I took the elevator back downstairs to the lobby and I seen Charlotte checking in so I walked over to her "Hey" I said, she looked at me and she smiled "Hi" she replied "When did you get here?" Charlotte asked "Around five minutes ago" I told her and she nodded, my phone buzzed so I pulled it out of my pocket and checked it and it's a message from Dominik "I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked Charlotte "Yeah of course" she replied and I nodded then I got into the elevator and I went up to the fifth floor.

I knocked on the hotel door that Dominik, Finn and Damien are staying in, a few seconds past then the door opened and Dominik stood there with a smile on his face "Come in" he said so I walked in and sat on the couch "What do you need me for?" I asked him "I actually want to talk to you" Dom replied "About?" I asked, I know what he wants to talk about, he's gonna say something about the kiss in the car "About the kiss" he said and I nodded "You do like me right?" Dominik asked "Yeah" I told him "I, I like you too" Dom said but he looked nervous "Are you nervous?" I asked him and he nodded "It's stupid I know" Dom said but I frowned at him "Why's it stupid?" I asked him "B-Because I've only had one relationship with one girl and I'm not good at the first move part" Dominik confessed "That's stupid to you?" I asked him and he nodded "Dominik you can't be serious, you made the first move on me in the car" I told him with a soft smile "No you leaned in" Dom said "Yeah I leaned in, you closed the gap, so you are good at the first move part" I explained to him "Y-Yeah but..." Dom said but he trailed off his sentence "But what?" I asked him, whatever it is he's clearly nervous to tell me, I don't know why though because I'm not gonna make fun of him "Dom, talk to me" I said softly as I placed my hand on top of his "I've never....." Dom said in a normal voice then he mumbled the rest of his sentence "Dominik I'm not gonna judge you" I told him "I've never had sex" Dominik told me and my eyes widened slightly "Oh, well, that's okay" I said "I feel so embarrassed" Dominik said as he covered his face with his hands, I put my leg over him and I sat on his lap so I'm straddling him, I pulled his hands down from his face "I don't know why you feel embarrassed" I said "Why shouldn't I feel embarrassed?" Dom asked, I grabbed his chin with my index finger and my thumb "Because I think it's hot that you're a virgin" I told him and he smiled "Why?" He asked "Well, because you're nervous, I like when you're nervous and I find it hot that you're a virgin because I could be the one who makes you a man" I whispered to him as I looked him in his eyes "I-I'd l-like that" Dom stuttered, he rested his hands on my hips and I smirked then I closed the gap between our lips, I grinded down on him slightly and he moaned into the kiss which made me smile, I basically shoved my tongue down his throat which made him moan again, the make out started slow and then it got sloppy then we heard talking come from outside the room door so Dominik and I pulled away from each other and I sat back down on the couch then Finn and Damien walked in, they saw me and they smiled "Lexi, didn't know you were here" Finn said "I was just going actually" I said and I stood up "I'll see you three tomorrow" I said and I left the room.

I'm in my room now with Demi, we're laying on the bed on our phones, I'm scrolling through Instagram because I'm bored.

Demi and I heard laughing "These walls are thin aren't they?" Demi asked and I nodded "Do you wanna go see what they're laughing at?" I suggested and she nodded then we both stood up and we left our hotel room to go into the boys room "What's with the laughing?" I asked them as Demi and I walked through the door, I looked at Dominik and seen him shaking his head at Finn and Damien so I gave him a confused look "So?" I asked because no one answered me "Oh nothing, just Finn fell off the bed" Damien answered, I looked at Demi and I asked if she believed them with my eyes and she shook her head "Okay, Demi and I are leaving" I said and grabbed Demi's hand and we walked out of their room after I closed the door "Shh" I told Demi and put my ear to the wall, I could hear everything they were saying perfectly clear "Wait so who was it?" I heard Finn ask "Just some girl I met down at the bar" Dom replied "Did you two have sex?" Finn asked and my eyes widened "No, we just made out on the couch" Dominik said "Wait wait, so you got hard by making out with her?" Damien asked and my eyes widened "Okay, we're leaving" I whispered to Demi and I dragged her back to our room.

"What? What did you hear?" Demi asked "Demi, I don't think I should've eavesdropped on that conversation" I told her "What did they say?" Demi asked "Dominik got hard because he made out with someone" I told her and she burst out laughing "Stop laughing that's mean, he probably didn't know what to do" I told her which made her laugh even more "Demi, seriously, stop laughing" I told her as I chuckled myself and she nodded.

I woke up at nine thirty this morning, I got up and got a shower, I wrapped a towel around me because I forgot to bring my clothes in with me so I walked out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed and picked up my clothes then there was a knock on the door, without thinking I opened it and seen Dominik standing there "Wow" he said and he blew out a breath "Yes Dominik I'm in a towel, now, what do you need?" I asked with a smile "I was actually checking if you were ready but I'll come back in ten minutes if you want me too?" Dominik asked "No it's fine you can come in" I told him "I'm getting dressed in the bathroom I'll be out in a minute" I said then walked into the bathroom and I got changed into this:

I woke up at nine thirty this morning, I got up and got a shower, I wrapped a towel around me because I forgot to bring my clothes in with me so I walked out of the bathroom and walked over to the bed and picked up my clothes then there was a knoc...

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I walked out of the bathroom and sat on the end of the bed to put my boots on "What're we doing before we go to the arena?" I asked Dominik "Finn said something about going to the store around the corner" he replied and I gave him a nod "Are you nervous for your promo tonight?" Dominik asked "Nope, it's just Rey and Edge anyway and I'll have you guys out there with me" I answered him.

We're in the ring now, I'm still wearing the clothes I put on today in the hotel and Damien is talking about how Rey is a bad father to Dominik and how he cost me my title and how he's a bad person in general then Rey's theme song played then he and Edge came out and they stood on the ramp "Dominik, it's not too late son, all you have to do is apologize to Edge and we can forget about this whole thing" Rey said "Rey, I want you to listen carefully to what I'm about to say, Dominik doesn't need you anymore, he was a boy when he was with you but I turned him into a man, if you know what I mean" I told Rey with a smirk and he shook his head "Dominik, c'mon, you have to see that she's manipulating you" Edge chimed in "She's not manipulating anyone" Finn said and I nodded "Dominik you don't even have to apologize to me, I just want you to get your head out of the gutter so you can see what Alexa is doing to you" Edge told Dominik "Alright, if you really think that I'm manipulating him I'm gonna give Dominik a choice, you can either go back to your lame father and Edge or, you can take my hand meaning you want to stay with us" I told Dominik "Son, you better make the right choice" Rey said, Dominik grabbed my hand and he interlocked our fingers and I smiled "He didn't even hesitate" Demi spoke up "Dominik let go of her hand now" Rey said loudly but Dominik only held my hand tighter "Why are you doing this to me? I'm your father" Rey said "Yeah? Well I don't think you're my father" Dominik retorted "What are you saying?" Rey asked "I'm just saying, what kind of father doesn't check on his son after a spear? Why didn't you check on me? You just went straight over to Edge, where as Alexa actually checked on me" Dominik shouted.

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