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Say it - Tory Lanez
0:01 ─────── 3:58

»»----------- Your parents have hired a bodyguard for you ever since you were stalked and followed by a few men two years ago. For the past two years, you have always been naughty and annoying enough to make all your past bodyguards quit, but three months ago, your parents hired this new guard, and no matter how many times you tried to annoy him, he kept his cold and stoic expression. You hated it. You were already 18 years old, and you could take care of yourself, but your parents never listened to you. They always babied you with everything and never paid attention to your feelings; they would give you their credit card and leave you to do whatever you wanted.

One night, you decided to finally sneak out of the house in the middle of the night for your own alone time. You slowly opened your room window to sneak out until you heard a familiar voice from behind you. You freeze in your tracks and look behind you to see your bodyguard, Scaramouche, staring at you with his lifeless eyes.

"Sneaking out? Again?"

You sigh, jumping off of the window frame, and looking back at Scaramouche with an irritated look.

"Ugh, please don't tell my parents."

You pleaded to Scaramouche while clutching your hands together. Every time your bodyguards told your parents that you tried to sneak out, they would ground you for a month and take away your phone.

Scaramouche sighs at your behaviour and crosses his arms in front of his chest, leaning against the wall of your room. He raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak again.

"I'm not an idiot."


"What did you want to do anyway?"

He asked you, raising an eyebrow. He got off the wall and walked a little closer to you.

"I don't know. I just...wanted to feel the thrill of sneaking out and being on my own, you know?"

You yawned and stretched a little, sleepy and confused since he never bothered to talk to you unless absolutely necessary.

"What if you got caught?"

He walked closer to you, only a few inches apart from each other's touch. You were taken aback by the sudden movement, and you bumped into the wall behind you. His tone was still flat and uninteresting. His cold eyes stared you down like he wanted to kill you, but with lust.

"I don't know... I guess I would have to face the consequences...."

You looked down on the floor in embarrassment, not wanting to look him in the eyes. You clutch onto the wall and blush.

"And what would happen then? Would you get punished?"

He asked with a slight smirk. He suddenly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest. You were shocked and let out a groan when he did what he did. A flush of red spread across your face as you felt your heart racing faster and faster. He was stronger than you thought. You tried to pull away from his grip, but you couldn't. He knew you felt uncomfortable like this, but he didn't care, he enjoyed seeing you like this.


He enjoyed the little shock on your face. His shitty smirk still remains on his shitty face. His face was so close to yours that you could feel his warm breath on your cheeks.

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