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Francis Forever - Mitski
0:01 ─────── 2:29

»»-----------► You and Beidou have been dating for almost 4 years now and you love her alot. You cant imagine a life without her. You both live together at a small but cozy house in Liyue Harbor. Today was Beidou's birthday and you decided to throw a surprise party for her. You already had ordered her favorite foods from Wanmin Restaurant, ordered a cake, and invited all of her friends. You were busy the whole day, preparing for the surprise and it was already 6pm. She wouldnt always be this late but maybe she just had some extra work to do, you thought to yourself.

You were sitting on the dining table of your kitchen, patiently waiting for Beidou to come home when you heard a knock on the door. Your head perked up at the sound of the knock and you quickly rushed towards the door to open it. You opened to door only to see the love of your life waiting in front. You smiled at her but she seemed to have a huge frown on her face.

"Welcome home. Is something wrong?"

You asked as she walked in through the door as you shut it behind her. You just heard her sigh and get a glass of water before looking at you with sadness and guilt.

"There's news circulating around Liyue that theres a new sort of sea monster lurking near our city and its getting closer day by day and...Lady Ningguang assigned me and the Crux to go find and kill the monster..."

"Oh...How long will it be?"

"I...dont know yet. If were lucky it might be a few days but...its could be a few weeks or months."

Your face dropped at her mention of months. You tried to keep a happy and positive demeanor but you were so disheartened, you didnt know what to say.

"When do you have to leave..?"

"Tomorrow in the early morning."

You're heart ached again. This was the fifth time Beidou had to leave you for a mission and it could last days, even months. Tears were threatening to come out of your eyes but you remembered that her birthday surprise was still waiting for her and you could atleast spend some time with her. Before you could bring up that it was her birthday, she cut you off.

"Well, I have to go pack items for tomorrow. Its already late and I need to wake up early tomorrow. I'll see you in bed."

And she left for upstairs. Your smile faded once again. She didnt even let you answer before heading upstairs. You sadly walked inside your living room where the decoration were. The thought of what might happen to her in the sea, flooded your brain. Every single negative situation that might arise, made you go insane. A tear drop fell from your eyes and now it was a sea of tears. You slowly cleaned up the living room and threw away all the food.

The next morning, you woke up to the sound of Beidou's voice. It sounded like she was talking to someone, you got up and laid your back on the pillow. She was talking to her men and ordering them to take some stuff to the ship.


She looked me at you and smiled. Her hands on rested on her hips and she seemed pretty stressed out already.

"Good morning sweetheart, how was your sleep?"

"It was fine. You're leaving already?"

You asked properly getting up from bed and walking towards her. She made her body face you and sighed, she frowned and her body posture was slumped.

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