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Moonlight - Chase Atlantic
0:01  ─────── 4:12

»»----------- You were a pretty decent student in your class. You werent bad at studies but you were just demotivated. You were more of an athletic girl than a studious one. You were the leader of the cheer captain and also the fastest runner of your class. You just expected yourself to become an athlete in the future. Your parents were never home most of the time, and even if you were popular and everyone knew you, you were never really interested in romantic relationships. The only thing you were into was random hookups at parties but never people from your own school. You were a senior in highschool and this was your last year of school. You were called into the principals office a few days ago who informed you that only passing through a few subjects was not enough to graduate which made you sick to your stomach. So he assigned you a tutor.

Sure, you were good at English, Biology and French but you were very bad at Maths, Physica and every other subjects which were some of the compulsory classes you had to take, according to your school. You hated it. So now you had to take extra classes after school which you hated even more.

Your principal assigned an alumni of your school, who was looking for some small jobs before going into college, to tutor you. And it just so happened to be Xiao. He was one of the smartest guy from the last batch. He smart, attractive and charismatic. Though he was silent and mysterious, everyone knew him. He was never involved in much drama, would stand up for anyone being bullied and could solve any type of conflict.

He was the talk of the school last year and now he was in your house, on your sofa, right next to you, tutoring you. He never was a patient guy. Even if he was popular, he had serious anger issues and impatient, yet he seemed to be very gentle and patient with you. You wondered why.

"Cmon, Y/n. We've gone over this 10 times already. It's not that hard to get this into your head."

You sighed and leaned back into your couch, your back sinking into the soft pillow. You brought your legs into your chest and wrapped your arms around your knees.

"Agh, I cant! I hate maths so much!"

He sighs in disappointment. Though he had been patient with you for awhile already, it seemed like he was starting to loose that patience.

"Cmon, Y/n. Its not that hard, just try."

"I cant! I just cant memorize this god damn formula, its so stupid!"

You said, throwing you hands in the air from frustration. He shook his head while looking down at you.

"You're not even trying. If you actually put some effort to study then it wouldnt have been so hard. Now, you're doing this damn formula whether you like it or not."

His tone was more aggressive than before and he definitely looked angry yet their was still a sympathetic tone in his voice that you couldnt just ignore.


You grumbled under your breath as you looked down at the equation on your notebook. It just looked like a bunch of random words, jumbled and put together. Before you could say another word, Xiao grabbed your notebook and pen and started to solve the equation. He explained each and every step of the equation, slowly and calmly so you could understand each and every detail. He was stern but you still thought he was cute.

"Did you get it?"

He asked after he finished explaining the equation to you. You looked up at him in awe by how easily you understood the equation.

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