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Cinnamon Girl - Lana Del Rey
0:01  ─────── 5:00
»»-----------► You and Heizou have been dating for about five years now. You started dating him during your third year of university. You guys were twenty-three when it all started, and now you're turning twenty-eight this year. Heizou was now working as a professional detective in the Tenryou Commission for Inazuma while you started a big fashion company. You guys both earned a lot and were living in a penthouse together. You two were always very close and talked about everything together, but now it seemed like he was paying less and less attention to you. You were pissed at him for it, and you couldn't stop overthinking things.

One night, you were sitting on the couch with Heizou. He was busy using his phone, as were you. You barely talked to him the whole day, and he noticed that you seemed a bit more distant than usual. He looked at you, concerned.

"Is everything okay? Y/n?"

"So you finally noticed?"

You scoffed and crossed your arms in front of your chest, throwing your phone on the couch.
Heizou seemed surprised by your response but kept his cool. He shut off his phone and turned all his attention towards you. He immediately realised his mistake because he was feeling guilty about it.

"Look, I know I haven't been giving you much attention lately, and Im really sorry, babe. Ive just been so busy with work lately, and it's stressing me out a lot. I'll put you first before anything now."

He laid his hand on your thighs and caressed them slowly. Listening to his weak voice, You started to feel guilty for being so selfish and distracting him from his work.

"No. Its okay. Im sorry... I was being insensitive. I shouldve known you were overloaded with work instead of being selfish."

He looked at you with a slight smile and lifted up your chin to look you in the eyes.

"Dont apologise. I should be the one apologising. Youve been such an amazing girlfriend these past few years, and I haven't been able to show you any appreciation or cherish you as much as I should have. I'll focus on you more than work from now on, okay?"

"How about you finish your work first, and then you can relax and we can spend time together? That way, you won't have the burden of work on your shoulders during our alone time."

I tilt my head and give him a sweet and genuine smile. Heizou nods his head in understanding.

"That's definitely a better idea. I'll finish my work tomorrow, and we can spend time together after I get home."

"Thank you, Heizou."

He nods and gives me a long and passionate kiss before we pull away.

The next day, You were waiting for Heizou's arrival so you could spend time together until you heard the door ring. You quickly rushed to the door and opened it to see Heizou with a huge smile across his face. You opened the door fully to let him in.

"Welcome home."

You closed the door behind him, and before you could say anything else, he asked you to close your eyes. You looked at him in confusion but closed your eyes nonetheless.

"I have a surprise for you. I know you'll love it!"

He says this with a huge grin across his face as he places a small box on your palm.

"You can see now."

You open your eyes to find a beautiful bracelet with diamonds and stars all over it. Your eyes lit up at the sight of the beautiful bracelet, and you looked up at him in shock.

 Your eyes lit up at the sight of the beautiful bracelet, and you looked up at him in shock

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"Oh my god! Heizou! Are you serious?!"

Heizou giggled at your reaction and put it on your wrist. You jumped up and down with excitement and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much! It's so pretty! I love it."

You gave him a quick peck and started giggling from excitement again.

"Im glad you liked it, darling. I got a reservation at a restaurant for us. Quickly get dressed, and we'll go there in 30 minutes."

He said this as he checked his watch for the time before giving you another smile. After a few minutes, you walked out of your room wearing a long and elegant body-con dress to see Heizou waiting for you in the living room. He looked at you in awe and blushed at the sight of you.

"You look stunning."

He said as he took his arm out for you to wrap your arm around his. You took his arm and smiled at him.

"You don't look too bad yourself."

You both walked out of your apartment and got into his car. After about 10 minutes, you finally reached the restaurant. It was a big and fancy restaurant, and you looked at it in awe. You both walked inside to be greeted by a waiter. He took you both to your seats, and you ordered. You two were now alone together.

A candlelit dinner with Heizou was everything you wanted. He held onto your hands and looked you straight in the eyes.

"Y/n, I love you so much, okay? Don't you ever forget that."

You clutched onto his hands tighter, nodded at him, and gave him a warm smile.

"I love you too, Heizou."

You both started to talk about your day as the waiter came back with the food. He poured champagne in both of your glasses. Heizou and you, both, picked up your champagne glasses and cheered.

"To us."

Heizou said as your glasses clanked onto each other and you took a sip from it. You both finished eating your meal, as the waiter had already brought in the desert. It was a piece of chocolate cake with strawberries on top. Before you could pick up your fork, Heizou brought a piece of cake to your face with his fork to feed you.


He spoke to you like you were a child. You laughed at his silliness and opened your mouth for him to eat.

"How was it?"

He asked with sincerity and genuine curiosity.

"It's really good. I think it tasted better because you fed it to me, though."

You both laughed at the stupid comment before you fed him a piece of cake with your fork. He opened his mouth as you put your fork in his mouth. His eyes lit up from the taste of the cake. You both enjoyed your desert as you talked about anything that came to mind.

It was nice to talk to him like this after a long time. You felt like you belonged to him once again. He was yours, and you were his.

»»-----------►Word count: 1150


OH MY GOD AHHHH im sorry if it was a little short omg i have no idea how to write fluff or angst. I feel like i only have the capacity to write smut or smth istgjsjsjdjd

anyways I hope yall enjoyed that. Please give me some feed back because Im gonna kms🙏🙏

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