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Heaven - Julia Michaels
0:01  ─────── 3:29

»»----------- Childe and you werent exactly enemies, but werent friends either. Frenemies? Friends with benefits? Enemies with benefits? Not you, not him or anyone else in your school was aware of what you relationship actually was. You didnt feel any kind of hatred or attraction to him. He would ask you for homework and flirt with you and you would occasionally feed into his delusions of any kind of possible sexual relationship between you two in the future.

It was an early morning at your highschool, just a few more weeks till you graduate and you could finally get into your dream university. You were already tired from the week and couldnt wait for Saturday. You were standing infront of your locker, taking out your books as a tall ginger male comes up to you. He leaned his arm on the locker beside yours and towered over you while smirking.

"Hey n/n~"

He said in a flirtatious tone. You sighed and closed your locker, facing towards him. You crossed your arms and looked up at him as he was much taller than you.

"What do you want Childe? If you're asking me for homework again, I'm not gonna do it for you. Finals are almost here and I have a lot of-"

Before you could even finish your rambling about finals and studying, he rolled his eyes and shoved a ticket towards your face, making you pause.

"Come to my game, yea?"

You stood infront of Childe, dumbfounded as to what was happening. You looked at the ticket of a football game in confusion.


You asked him as he chuckled. He put an arm on his hip, still holding the ticket to you.

"My team's going nationals. This is huge for us and I want you to be there. No excuses."

As he finished his sentence, you let out a loud chuckle, pushing his hand away from your face.
Now, he was the confused one while you were laughing your ass off.

"Im serious, y/n."

"Please. Of course I wont come. We're not even friends, why do you want me to come? Let alone friends, we never had a proper conversation before."

You put your hand on your stomach since it hurt from laughing to much. You sighed and smiled at him, amused. He rolled his eyes at you.

"Dont you want to see this handsome face playing nationals?"

"Handsome? Where?"

The smirk on his face immediately faded into a frown as he furrowed his brow. He seemed a little hurt but kept his composure and let out small sigh.

"You're coming to my game okay? See you~"

He shoved the ticket to your hand and left without saying another word. He didnt give you a chance to respond so you decided to head to your class too. You werent sure if you wanted to go or not since you just wanted to finally take some rest.

Saturday came and you actually decided to go. Believe it or not, you actually were secretly really excited to see the game, partly because you wanted to see Childe and partly because you wanted to see the game for itself.

You were sitting on the bleachers of the football stadium, your headphones on your head and phone in your hand. You werent able to bring any friends because most of them were busy studying or they just wanted to sleep like you. Anyways, you sat on the bleachers, waiting for the game to begin as you swiped through your phone.

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