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Long Way 2 Go - Cassie
0:01 ─────── 3:41

»»----------- You were the school nurse who had only been working here for a few months now. You were only 19 years old and you wanted a job to support your mother to pay the house rent. As you were just writing some stuff down on your notebook, a student walked inside your infirmary.

"Excuse me?"

It was a very familiar voice and you knew you had heard it many times before. You look up from your notebook and you see that it was Wanderer. His lips were bleeding and he had a wound around his mouth.

Wanderer had a reputation of getting into fights and coming into your office almost every day. You sighed and got up from your chair, motioning him to sit down on the bed next to your desk. He sat down and you look down at him, observing his lips carefully.

"What did you do this time?"

"None of your business, I don't have to answer that question. Besides, the student who punched me is nowhere to be found."

He crossed his arms and pointed towards his lips.

"Can you just fix this for me?"

"Look, I'm the nurse here and I have to fill out this form and give it to your teacher alright? So bare with me here. What happened?"

You told him, sounding a little annoyed by his attitude towards you, just because he was a year younger than you.

Wanderer's lips curled into a slight frown as you tried to question him. He was annoyed that you wouldn't just patch him up, as he was an impatient fellow. He turned his head to give you a slight glare before speaking.

"The other kid and I had an arguement. That's all I'll tell you. Now can you please stitch these up already?"

You sighed at him and shook your head in a little disappointment. You got some cotton and medicine from your desk and moved closer to him to heal his lips. As you examined his wound, you could feel his breath against your cheeks. He had a steady heartbeat at first but then it started to beat faster.

"How long are you planning to keep having fights with other students?"

He didn't want to answer you. He ignored your question and looked at anything else but you. He was in a bad mood and simply wanted to get this over with.

You used your hand to make him face towards you and you got closer to his face and started to use a cotton ball to add some medicine to his lips.

He found himself a bit taken aback by your closeness. Your hand pulled his face forward and you were basically all over him as you tried to fix his stupid injury up.

He turned his head to the side slightly to try and get your face out of his personal space. It was already irritating having to feel the bed shake slightly with your movements. And now you were this close? He was going to lose his mind.

"Can you hurry up?"

He muttered.

"Calm down, it takes time to heal alright? Anyways...Wanderer, I dont want to bother you with any more lecture but I dont want you to hurt yourself every single day. If you dont start taking care of yourself then I'll have to call your parents..."

You sighed and started to clean his lips with your hands. His lips felt soft but chapped at the same time.

He scoffed loudly at that.

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