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Say Yes To Heaven - Lana Del Rey
0:01  ─────── 3:29
»»-----------► You were the princess of Liyue while Morax and Guizhong were your parents. As your parents were good friends with the Empresses of Inazuma, Raiden Ei and Yae Miko, your whole family was invited to the coronation of their eldest daughter, Raiden Shogun. You have always found yourself being weirdly attracted to the Shogun even if she wasnt the nicest person. You have known each other ever since you both were kids and had a special bond even if it didnt seem so.

Today was the day of the coronation of the Raiden Shogun. You were very excited to meet her again, this time as the queen. You were getting ready to wear your most appealing and elegant hanfu(traditional chinese wear) You were standing in the middle of your room, letting your assistant dress you up. One of them put your hair up in a beautiful half-up-half-down bun with a red and golden hairpin to secure it. One of them was touching up your huadin (traditional chinese makeup) makeup and the other two were properly securing your long and elegant red hanfu.

(example for huadin makeup and red hanfu)

After you finally finish getting ready, you twirl in front of the mirror and bow down to yourself

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After you finally finish getting ready, you twirl in front of the mirror and bow down to yourself. You and your family finally reach The Inazuma Palace where the coronation was being held. As you and your family walk down the aisle, everyone bows down slightly. You finally meet up with Ei and Miko, they both seemed very delighted to see you. As your parents and Ei were talking, Miko came up to you and welcomed you.

"Y/n, how lovely you came!"

"Of course! I wouldnt miss it for the world Empress Miko."

You both sent each other a sweet smile.

"I love your hanfu, it's gorgeous. Im sure shogun will love it too~"

She whispered in your ear, teasing you. Ever since she found out about your crush on the Shogun, she always made fun of you though she never told a single soul about it. You started to blush furiously as you felt your face heat up. She smirked and giggled.

"Shogun is dressing up to look her best for you, I hope you enjoy, my love~"

She finished teasing you and went back to Ei as you were left flustered and nervous from her words.

"Is she really dressing up for me? I wonder what shes wearing. She'll look beautiful in whatever she wears. Does she like me back? Or was Miko just teasing me?"

All these thoughts flooded your mind as you thought about Shogun. As you were lost in your thoughts, Ganyu woke you up back into reality.

"Y/n? Y/n! Are you okay?"

"O-oh! Ganyu! Sorry, I zoned out..."

You snapped back into reality, feeling embarrassed that you zoned out. You rubbed the back of your neck and apologized to Ganyu. You told her you were going to the washroom and would be back soon. You headed towards the washroom, and washed your hands and touched up your makeup. You sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror, thinking of Shogun. You took another deep breath before heading out of the bathroom.

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