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0:01  ─────── 3:29
(i dont have a song for this💀💀)

»»----------- You and your friends, Heizou, Aether, Yunjin and Venti were having a sleepover at your house. It was your summer break at Yale University and you and your friends could finally hangout together. While at the sleepover, Heizou dared you to download Tinder and add random people. You didn't want to do it but you were forced too, so now here you were, sitting in your room with your 4 best friends, signing up for Tinder.

You sighed as you made an account on Tinder while the 3 boys giggled and smirked at you. Yunjin just smiled and watched, she was just as amused as the others but didnt show it much.

"Do I have tooooo...?"

You elongated the "o" with a pained expression on your face as you looked ag Heizou. He simply nodded.

"Dont tell me you want to back down from a dare, y/n."

"Ugh, fineee..."

You sighed and loaded up Tinder. Already starting, there was already a picture of a guys face. You cringed at the picture and looked away while the other laughed at your expression.

"Just started and already a bad impression..."

You stated. You swiped left on the picture, meaning to reject the person and moved onto the next. Just before you could cross the second person, Venti snatched the phone from your hand.

"Hey! Venti!"

You screamed at him. He grinned and ran away from you, jumping on top of the bed and swiped right on every single person that had come up for your match. You tried to catch him and get your phone back but your were too tired to even deal with his shenanigans right now. You sighed and shifted back to your old place on your bedroom floor. Venti smiled at you giving up.

"We would never find someone if you never swiped right on someone."

Venti stated. He climbed back down onto the floor, sitting next to Aether. He handed you the phone with a pleased look on his face.

"Lets just start already, this is getting boring."

Aether exclaimed. You sighed at him and playfully rolled your eyes, laying your head on Yunjin's shoulder. She patted your head slightly with her other arm, smiling down at you.

"We have to wait for....yawn...someone to swipe right on me too, you know."

You said in between a yawn. Just as you finished your sentence, you got a notification from your phone. You looked down at it as you gasped slightly. All the others got the hint and huddled closer towards you, closely looking at your phone. You were matched with a boy with deep black hair fading into green at the bottom which kinda reminded you of Venti, but anyways. He had bright golden eyes and red eyeliner, a chiseled jawline and small but muscular structure. You actually found him attractive.

"Shit. He's hot as fuck."

Venti commented in which everyone except Yunjin agreed too.

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