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the way things go - beabadoobee
0:01 ─────── 3:07

»»-----------► You were coming back to Mondstat after a 2 year long journey across all of Teyvat. You were excited to see all of your friends again, especially during windblume. You were a traveling fairy and also best friend of Barbatos. You had been with Venti for 500+ years now, you couldnt wait to tell him all about your journey across Teyvat.

You were traveling through Wolvendom with some of your animal friends as you heard some ruckus going on. You flew over to the noise to see what was going on. You hid your wings and hid behind a bush to see a blond haired male with another tiny fairy next to him. The male immediately caught you attention, you found his long and beautiful blonde hair very fascinating. His clothes did not look like that of Mondstat. He noticed he was about to be attacked by a few fatui.

You took out your wand and ran in front of the male. You used your (vision) powers to attack the fatui. The male and the tiny fairy looked at you with shock and confusion as they backed up and let you handle the job. Attacking and dodging the Fatui's attacks constantly, you finally defeated them. You put your wand away and turned to look the two.

"Are you guys okay?"

You asked them. They nodded in response and you gave them a small smile. You looked at the two curiously.

"Who are you guys? I havent seen you guys in Mondstat before."

"Paimon's Paimon! And this is Aether! Who are you?"

The tiny fairy responded as they pointed towards Aether's direction. You watched Aether's eyes check my body out, up and down. He noticed your (vision) vision and the same feather that Venti had. You two had matching vision charms. You cleared my throat and looked away from him.

"Im Y/n. Its nice to meet you two! Are you guys travelers?"

"Yes! Were on a journey to find Aether's sister! Weve been to Mondstat a couple of times before, but we've never noticed you before either."

Paimon was more talkative than the blonde haired one. You looked up and down at him, curiously.

"Ive been traveling around Teyvat for two years now and I was returning back to Mondstat. Are you guys here for the Windblume festival?"

You ask them, still curiously checking out Aether, not realizing that you were staring at him a long time. Paimon and Aether both noticed your eyes lingering over him. Paimon gave him a smirk as she continued to talk.

"Yea! We always go back to Mondstat for windblume."

Before you could respond to Paimon, Aether spoke.

"Is something wrong? Y/n?"

You lost your train of thought and shifted back into reality. You looked up at Aether who had slightly red cheeks. You panicked and seemed flustered.

"O-oh im sorry...I zoned out..."

You rub the back of your head as you looked down on the floor from embarrassment. You three continued to walk towards Mondstat as Paimon started to chatter.

Soon you all reached to Mondstat. You were standing at the gate of the city as you took a deep breath. The beautiful decorations for windblume and the fresh air swaying through your hair made you feel at peace.

"Mondstat looks beautiful as always..."

The two nodded at you in response. After you three reached Mondstat, you decided to hit the tavern and meet everyone there. Paimon ended up seeing a butterfly and chased to towards the tavern, only you and Aether were left. You both walked in awkward silence. You wanted to break the silence but you werent sure on what to say to him. As you two walked, your hands brushed against each other and you quickly pulled it away from him.

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