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A Burning Hill - Mitski
0:01 ─────── 3:29

»»----------- You and your "best friend", Collei have been dating eachother for a while now. You've liked her for as long as you can remember and you finally confessed to her after so long. You were the happiest person alive when she admitted to liking you both which resulted in you and her sitting together in her room and dancing together to Clairo. Everything was great and you were the happiest with Collei, but the only problem was your parents. They never supported lgbtq+ and never will and you were too scared to come out to them.

Graduation was coming up for you, Collei and all your friends which meant prom was too. You asked Collei to be your prom date through text because you were too much of a pussy to ask her out in real life even though she's your girlfriend. She happily accepted nonetheless and you both, of course, had to go shopping for prom dresses.

You two were at the mall to look for prom dresses exactly the day before prom night.

"How do I look?"

Collei asked as she came out of the dressing room to show you the beautiful magenta dress she had tried on for prom. It complimented ber eyes completely and you were at awe at the sight of her. You couldnt help but smile at her as you looked at her up and down.

"You look gorgeous.."

Your mouth was agape as you still stared at her while she giggled at your response. Her cheeks showed a hint of pink and her mouth curled upwards while you were a blushing mess.

"Should I buy this dress? Or do the others look better on me?"

She asked you, holding the other white dress right beside her torso. You came back to your senses and got up from the seat infront of the changing room and walked towards her. There was a mirror right in front of Collei, meaning she could see you walking behind her to hold her waist from behind as you nuzzled your face into her bare neck.

"You look beautiful in both baby."

Collei lightly chuckled, ruffling your hair with her free hand and kissing your forehead before you laid your chin on her shoulder.

"But...If I had to choose, It would be the purple dress."

Collei nodded in approval and went back into the changing room to change back into her normal clothes. You were happily walking around the store, thinking about Collei and you at prom together until you spotted a beautiful midnight purple suit. It had a golden brooch and a tie with purple embroidery.

You couldnt stop staring at this beautiful piece of clothing as you walked towards it, feeling the soft material with your hands. You already decided that this was what you were going to wear for prom and there was nothing anyone could say to change your mind.

After the wonderful date with your loving girlfriend, you came back home to your mom asking you about your day. You told her the details and everything you did with Collei, leaving out all the girlfriend part.

"Let me see the dress you got for prom."

Your mom said as she went through your shopping bags full of clothes. You panicked and started to fiddle with your fingers, not knowing what her reaction to the fact that you bought a suit would be.

"W-well...uhm- I didnt really buy a dress..."

She looked up at you from the couch in confusion.

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