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0:01  ─────── 2:04

»»-----------► You were getting ready for the last house party you would ever go to in your university. It was your last year of uni so you decided to make the most of it. Your friends, Venti, Aether and Lumine were taking you there as you four shared an apartment together. You were kinda excited but also kind of nervous, you had been to a few parties before but this time the party was hosted by a special someone. At first, you didnt want to go because of the host but Lumine convinced you anyways.

You wore a beautiful black silk body-con dress that reached till your thighs with perfect amount of cleavage. You grabbed your purse and headed out with your friends. Aether was driving as you sat in the back with Lumine. Once you guys reached the venue, you were immediately greeted with loud music coming from inside and a lot of bright lights everywhere. As you got out of the car, Venti ran straight inside without saying a word while Aether and Lumine spotted Shinobu standing outside.


Shinobu walked towards us as she sent us a wave.

"Whats up Kuki, why arent you inside?"

Aether asked, while she sighed.

"These house parties arent my thing, I was just here to help Itto set up his party."

When she mentioned his name, your heart skipped a beat. You knew he would be here but a part of you was wishing he wouldnt, even though he was the host. You both slept together just a week ago and you couldnt get him off of your mind since then. He was just so handsome, but he never texted you back. After the twins finished talking to Kuki, you said your goodbyes and headed inside the house. You were slowly walking towards the house, hoping not the get spotted by him.

Once you three got inside, Aether was dragged away by Venti while Lumine was taken away by Ayaka and you were left alone just standing there. You looked around to see anyone you knew and you spotted Hu tao, Childe and Scaramouche. You waved at them and walked towards them.


Hu tao jumped you making you trip back a little.

"Hey everyone! Nice party huh?"

Childe and Hu tao nodded while Scaramouche was playing some kind of game on his phone, he didnt seem like he wanted to be bothered by anyone so you left him alone.

"I heard that guy, Itto, slept with some girl that goes here and apparently he has a crush on her."

Hu tao told you and Childe. Your ears perked up and listened carefully.

"Really? I didnt think he was capable of having any crushes. Wasnt he supposed to be the guy who only had hook-ups?"

Childe raised an eyebrow at Hu Tao while asking curiously.

"I thought so too but I guess not. I wonder who the girl is though, she's super lucky!"

When you heard Hu Tao say those words, you almost choked on your drink. As you three observed him, you could see he was stealing glaces at you as he talked with your friends. Hu Tao and Childe seemed to have noticed this and looked at you with a smirk.



You replied to Hu Tao, nervously, praying she wouldnt bring up anything about Itto, but she did.

"Is there a chance...you hooked up with The Arattaki Itto?


"N-no! What?! No..."

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