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Why Didnt I Kiss Her - Ratwyfe
0:01  ─────── 3:29

»»-----------►In the world of Teyvat, there were two types of mythological underwater nymphs; Mermaids and Sirens. Mermaids defined as a shy and gentle denizen of the sea while Sirens defined as terrifying denizens of the sea who devour unsuspecting humans. Sirens would often lure sailors and shipmen's with their addicting voice into the rocky and disastrous sea, leasing to their death. Mermaid on the other hand, are sweet creatures who use their voices for the health of other creatures benefits.

You were showing Keqing, a mermaid and one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, around the deeper caverns and depths beyond the Sea of Clouds. Even though you were a siren and she was a mermaid princess, you both loved eachother dearly and you have been secretly dating for awhile now. You always wished you could openly tell your family about your mermaid girlfriend  but due to the separation of mermaid and sirens a few 100 years ago, it wasnt possible. Sirens hated mermaids while mermaids disliked us. Though our communities are very similar to each other and they were once one single happy society, they dont see eye to eye anymore.

Sirens have always seen creatures, other than sea creatures, a threat to them and have always had a plan to wash their lands away and rule Teyvat while mermaids only want peace and want to build close bonds and friendships with humans. Humans are very cruel beings who have managed to take away our friends and families away from us only for their selfish desires. Not once have they ever tried to help the sea and only ever polluted it. They have relentlessly killed and captured our beloved underwater family.

Sirens hate humans and mermaids consider them as someone to come to peace with which made their further plans for the future clash, resulting in war. So now, Mermaid and sirens are two different beings. If anyone ever found out about the two of you's relationship, it would be over for you two so you both decided in keeping it a secret.

"Are you sure this is safe, y/n?"

Keqing asked you, worriedly while swimming towards a wrecked ship. She was clutching onto your hands and following you, deeper into the sea.

"Relax! I come here all the time. I promise, its safe."

You stopped swimming and looked back at her to give her a peck on the lips. She returned the kiss back and gave you a trusting smile before nodding her head. You both now reached inside the sunken ship.

"Wow...this place is so big.."

Keqing commented on the ship as she was mesmerized by the interior structure. There was shattered glass paintings all over the floor and broken wooden planks spread everywhere.

You and Keqing swam around and through the broken shipwreck. While Keqing was at the other side of the ship, you opened up a cupboard and found a beautiful star necklace. It was shiny and white and it was still new and sparkling. You took it out of the cupboard and closely examined it and decided to surprise Keqing with it. You knew she loved all things sparkly and pretty and especially jewelry's.

You slowly swam towards Keqing, putting your arms behind your back to hide the necklace.

"Keqing? Close your eyes."

Keqing turned back at you and raised an eyebrow before closing her eyes. You grinned to yourself and laid the necklace in your hands and kept it infront of her.

"You can open your eyes now~"

She slowly opened her eyes and you could see the way her eye lit up at the sight of the necklace on your hands. She gave you a huge grin and took the necklace from your hands.

"Y/n! Thats so pretty!"

She said while her face all bright and beautiful as always. She rammed her face into your chest as she wrapped her arms around your body. You hugged her back and laid your chin on her head, playing with her long hair. You soon pull away from the hug.

"Here, Ill put it on you."

You moved behind Keqing and put the necklace on her. Your hands brushing through her pale and smooth back, making her shiver. After you finish clipping it in, she turns to face you and gives you another smile. Her bright and lovely smile making you want to smile too.

"It looks beautiful on you, baby~"

After awhile more of playing around the ship and doing whatever you both wanted too, it was getting late. She had to go home now since the King of mermaids always wanted her to be at home instead of roaming around the dangerous sea. Your parents were never like that though, they didnt really care if you came home or not. If you died, they would act like they didnt even know. They only favored your older sister who would take the crown for the Queen of sirens.

"Its getting late, I should be going..."

Keqing said. You nodded and held her hand in understanding. You both swam to the border between the mermaids and the sirens to drop Keqing off.

"When can I see you again?"

You asked her, quietly, making sure no one would hear you. She looked at you with a frown.

"Im...not sure. Ill try to come back and call you but...I promise I'll be back."

You gave her a sad smile and nodded. You both said your goodbyes and Keqing turned around to leave until you grabbed her hand and pulled her back into your arms. You slammed your lips into hers and you both kissed with a burning passion. It wasnt your first kiss but it was hers, so she was pretty bad at it but you didnt mind. Her taste was amazing, she tasted like pure cinnamon buns and you loved cinnamon buns.

The kiss didnt last longer than a few seconds so you both pulled away and panted to catch your breath. When you looked at Keqing, you could see her face was a blushing mess and she looked absolutely adorable. You chuckled and gave her another peck on the lips.

"Now that was a proper goodbye."

»»-----------Word count: 1080

A/N: I started this ff like a month ago when I watched the new little mermaid movie but i never completed if bc i got bored💀💀 so here you
honestly this is literally so short n trashy im sorry🙏

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