Chapter 1: Real

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Chapter 1: Real


"Reagan!" Charlie shouted as I heard his footsteps come down the stairs.

I grabbed the remote and turned the volume up in responds. He came down and stood in the family room door way, looking very angry.

"I dibs the TV." He scolded.

"I can't hear you!" I shouted happily eating my banana.

He grumbled something not very good I bet, under his breath. Before walking over by me and snatching the remote from my shamelessly loose grip.

"Hey!" I shouted as he changed the channel to a football game.

He smirked happily falling back onto the recliner with a loud 'thud!'

I crossed my skinny arms over my chest and glared at Charlie's brown shaggy hair and ember green eyes that were now glued to the football game which was now playing.

"Charlie." I hissed. "I had the remote first."

"I dibs the TV." He protested, not even looking in my direction.

"No you didn't!" I shouted with frustration.

"Yes, I did." He said in a duh tone, looking over at me with a stupid smirk. "Even if I didn't I can still tackle you to the ground for it."

I groaned loudly, stomping my foot on the hardwood floor and getting up from my spot on the black leather couches. Which filled the huge living room.

"Why do you have to be such an A-hole."

"You love me, I know you do." He sang in a sing-song voice.

"No I really don't, you can go to he- Reagan." Cole called from the kitchen cutting me off.

Charlie chuckled in victory. Reaching across and swiping up the blanket I had been using and settling back in the recliner. He wasn't leaving any time soon but I sure was. I trudged along the hard wood floor making my way to the kitchen sending him on more glare as I left, as if it helped any.

He won and he knew it, heck I even knew it. Just because he is one minute older than me doesn't mean he can sit and boss me around. We bummed heads a lot arguing over the smallest things because we are simply too much a like.

"Why did mom decided to have another kid." I groaned falling onto a cold, metal stool at the island in the kitchen.

Cole chuckled. "You do realize that if she hadn't decided to have more kids you wouldn't have ca,e along either, right?"

I glared at him.

"I hate Charlie, and I'm gonna hate you next." I mumbled getting up and ripping my phone off the charger that was plugged into the wall. Stomping up the stairs still fuming from the stupid, pointless remote incident. I made it to my room and gladly fell onto my bed.

Whipping out my phone I unlocked it and called Melanie.

"Hey." She cried happily after the second ring.

"Hi."  I growled back.

"What did Charlie do this time." She sighed from the other end. Even though I couldn't see her I'm pretty sure she was smiling and shaking her head. Charlie and I had little fights all the time. Each one leaving me fuming.

"Stole the remote!" I pouted.

She laughed and I glared even though she can't see me.

"Just so you know I'm glaring at you." I said matter-of-factly.

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