Chapter 2: Just Once

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Chapter 2: Just Once


"Hey, Reg." Melanie sang from down the hall. In seconds
she was by my side.

"Hi." I retorted shoving my cheer bag into my locker and slamming it shut.

"Rough morning?" She asked.

I nodded. My heads still swimming with the thought of Asher coming back. But he couldn't. He wouldn't. A new family must be moving in. I could hardly get any sleep from the new information. Tossing and turning all night my bed ended up looking like a tornado stormed through it.

Hugging my books to my chest as we started to walk down the hallways. I continued to listen to her random ranting, my eyelids feeling heavy from the lack of sleep.

"So this new guy, I learned his names Alex." She said smiling brightly.

"That's nice." I responded adding a yawn to the end of it.

"That's nice? That's all your gonna say?" She asked her mouth wide open as she stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"Close your mouth darling you'll catch flies." I said closing her mouth for her. As I continued to walk further down the hall.

"Wait till you see him." She said quickly catching up to me.

I rolled my eyes. "There's no cute guys here at West-Point anyway. What makes him-"

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Mel cried slapping my shoulder repeatedly has she jumped from foot to foot.

"Ouch." I glared at her.

"Look there he is talking to your bother and his friends." She squealed ignoring my remark. I didn't look though instead trying to figure out how my best friend was so worked up over a boy she hasn't even ever talked too.

"Go talk to Charlie so I can get a better look at Alex."

I groaned rolling my eyes and stomping my foot on the ground like a three year old.

"You owe me." I growled.

She nodded happily mumbling an 'of course' as she fixed her hair in her phone screen.

"How do I look?" She asked quickly applying another layer of lipstick.

"The same you did 5 minutes ago." I replied folding my arms over my chest

"Sass check please." She said as she shoved me in the direction I was guessing Alex was.

I rolled my eyes letting my arms fall to my sides as I turned and walked over to Charlie and his group of friends. I didn't really pay attention since there was also quiet a few football players gathered around him. It was hard to pick out everyone so I stopped a long time ago.

"Hey Charlie." I said turning all attention to me.

"Hey Reagan, it's been forever since I've seen you." Luke said holding his arms out for a hug.

Luke was a good 10 inches taller than me. Big, buff football player. Charlie's best friend since he was little, Luke was like another brother to me.

"Luke we saw each other yesterday morning." I replied pushing his arms down.

"I know but yesterday morning till today is a long time." He stated frowning heavily. Although I knew he was only messing around like he does.

"We have 5th hour together."

"So?" he said shrugging his broad shoulders.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Let me try this again." backing up a little and clearing my throat.

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