Chapter 4: Things Change

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Chapter 3: Things Change

People change, memories don't.


"Give me a T-I-G-E-R-S what's that spell?" I shouted waiting one second before cheering. "Tigers! Whoa! Go tigers! Yeah!" I said shaking my Pom Pom's in the air as the football game went on.

We where leading by 2 points. 10 to 12. And it was the last quarter too with 3:23 time left.

Charlie was number 17 the quarterback also. Luke number 23 a receiver. And I only know Asher's since every girl was watching him and screaming his number. 15.

Charlie threw an amazing pass too Luke who caught it with ease and ran. Being tackled at the 10 yard line. They had this, I know they did. Glancing at the clock 2:32.

"Come on tigers!" I shouted.

Mel smiled at me.

"I never thought I'd hear you support your brother like that."

I punched her shoulder.

"On game day it's different, remember."

"Kay, guys let's do another cheer." Sierra said standing up and placing her Pom Poms together

I hate having to take orders from her.

"Come on tigers we know you can win!" Sierra and like everyone else shouted.

It was stupid. I mean I love cheerleading but the cheers aren't the best part now if I were captain things would be different.

"Let's show our strips!"

I put on a huge fake smile cheering and shaking my Pom Pom's. When the clock finally ticked down to zero and the score was stuck at 12 to 10 we won! We ran onto the field with the rest of the student body. All into a huge mosh pit, cheering and smiling. Charlie found me and squeezed me tight. He was all sweaty form just being in the game, and smelt horrible but I still hugged him back.

"You did a great job cheering." He smirked.

"Well you did a great job playing." I laughed.

Like I said our relationship is weird.

"Now I got a date with Netflix and my bed." I said. Kissing his cheek before turning around.

I was dying to get these paint marks on my face off. Of course since one of our cheers is show your strips we always put strips on our cheeks. I was about to pull out my phone and dial Mel to run me back home before she went to the party but someone stopped me.

"Um, where do you think your going?" Asher asked grabbing my wrist.

"To my house." I responded.

"No we made a deal I help you study you come to the party." He stated. "Easy as that."

I groaned looking at Charlie who smirked.

"Fine, but I'm not hanging out with you." I growled going off to find Melanie.

"Hey you going to the party?" I asked her, even though I already knew the answer.

"Of course I am." She grinned.

"Can I tag along?" I asked.

She didn't respond.

"Wait a minute can you repeat that so I can record it?"

"No." I said climbing into her car.

"What made you wanna go?" She asked.

"I made a deal with Asher." I sighed.

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