Chapter 21: Cry

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Chapter 21: Cry

Some people care too much
I think it is called love.


"We'll try this one on." Mel said handing me another dress through the curtain.

I rolled my eyes but grabbed it. It was a dark blue, pretty but more Mel. I let out a sigh of frustration. Slipping back into my normal clothes.

"Mel, I don't think there's any here." I sighed.

"There has to be." She said letting out a desperate sigh.

She went over to a rake and frantically went through it.

"We have half a day still, we should be good." She mumbled as if reassuring herself.

I spun on my heel and walked to the back of the store getting lost in the dresses. I ran my hand along them feeling the different fabrics until my hand stopped on a silky one. I pulled the dress out and smiled. Heading back to the dressing rooms I slipped it on. It wasn't too fancy, a nice red color stopping at my knees.

"Mel." I called out as I stepped out.

Her mouth fell open.

"That's it!" She cried "That's the one." She pushed me back into the dressing room.

"Thank goodness we found it before 12:00. Now to pick up the cake." She mumbled to herself as I undressed.

Placing it back on the hanger Asher came into my mind, he loved red. His favorite color actually.

We paid for the dress and headed out of the small store heading to Mel's next place.

"What have you been up to. I feel like I only see you at school." She asked.

I shrugged.

"I've been working."

"Reagan tell me what you really been up to. I read Kyle's messages."

I bite my lip Asher didn't want people to know we where hanging out maybe even more than friends until tonight. But Mel is my best friend.

"With Asher." I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Asher Grey?!" She said stopping and looking at me wide eyes shocked.

"Yeah." I trailed off.

What could be wrong with hanging out with Asher.

"His trouble Reagan. His just gonna get what he wants and then leave you. You need to leave him before you get left." She said.

"He likes me and I like him. We even kissed." I said a smile forming.

"You kissed!?" She nearly screamed.

I flinched my smile fading.

"Yeah, three times." I said holding up three fingers.

Mel turned around mumbling something. She ran a hand through her hair before turning back to me.

"Reagan Asher Grey is no good. His a bad boy, he smokes, he drinks, he breaks hearts and your is next." She said gripping my shoulder. "Did you not learn anything from the first time he left you?"

"Why do you and Kyle think that. I've know Asher longer than the both of you." I argued.

"We know things you don't." She whispered.

"What things?"

She looked like she was about to tell me but closed her mouth. She had a mental fight with herself before sighing.

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