Chapter 10: Leave Me Be

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Chapter 10: Leave Me Be

You can say sorry a million times, say I love you as much as you want, say whatever you want, whenever you want. But if your not going to prove that the things you say are true, then don't say anything at all
Because if you can't show it,
your words don't mean a thing.


"And a small order of fries." The young lady replied folding up her menu and handing it to me along with her sons.

"Alright." I smiled and skated off with the order in hand. Clipping it onto the line I quickly went back to the counter wiping it off.

"Hey Reeder."

I ignored him just like I have been all day long. He keep bothering me in chemistry but eventually gave up. Which I was pleased with. Luckily, Chemistry was the only class we had together.

"Sorry don't have time for you, busy working." I said and whipped around the corner with three plates full of food from the bar in hand.

He groaned and I thought I was good but one plate was taking off my arm and I looked to see him holding it instead.

"What do you think your doing Grey?"

"Helping you work this way I can talk to you."

I rolled my eyes setting the plates down in front of the customers grabbing the one Asher was holding and handed it to them.

"Anything else?" I asked the couple with a small little girl beside them.

"No I think we are good." The man said.

"It looks very delicious." The woman replied some king brightly at me.

I smiled back. "That's good to hear."

With that I skated off to the kitchen to catch up on my dishes. Sadly, Asher followed close behind.

"So remember that night after the party you came to my house."

"I choose not to." I replied putting plate after plate into the dishwasher.

"Well that's the thing you can't forget. I can never forgive myself for what I did and you can never forget it."

"And your point is?"

"My point is that night before you left you asked me why I came back?"

"Yeah, and?" I asked not looking up at him.

"I came back for you. For our friendship. I hated myself for leaving you I never forgave myself I still haven't. And I'm not excepting you to forgive me, but all I'm asking is for you to try."

I stared at him for a minute.

"Asher, the 'I came back for you' isn't going to work on me. Your not superman swooping down to save me. Our friendship is over,  you promised all these things told me of dreams we could have but none of it happened. Actions are stronger than words."

"Plus how could you possibly think that coming down her and apologizing is going to fix everything when you are absolutely rude to me every other time until you feel like being nice. I'm done playing your little game Asher."

I turned to walk away but turned back around.

"And your right I can't forgive you like that because everyone left me. Every damn person who I have ever cared about left me and it all started that night. I can't forgive you for 4 years of not knowing. For sitting up at night staring at your window wishing that the light came on. But the one night I did see it on, I wasn't excited I actually was angry. Angry that after all these years of the unknown now you choose to come back. I sure as hell can't forget what you did to me how I felt. And I don't know if I can even try to forgive you. But right now is not a time for me to try. The best thing to do is just leave me alone. Okay can you do that for me?"

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