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I woke up around 8 at night from loud ass music so I didn't no choice but to get up so I went downstairs and seen my mom cooking while listening to "gotta move on " singing every part

" mom why it gotta be so loud " I said as I rubbed my eyes from the bright light

"Girl because I'm jamming " she said as she grabbed my hand and started dancing wit me

"Mom you hyperactive right now calm down " I said

"I'm having fun child have fun like you do at them parties " she said

"Turn on some party music I just might " I said

"Rd" she said as she went to the remote and turned on some black girl party music so I danced with her to make her happy

Once the food was done she called the girls down to eat Ahiella and aya was still sleeping so she didn't wake them up so only me and angel was at the table

"Ari Mike had called me earlier and asked for me to come over to his house " angel said

"When " I said

"He didn't give a date he probably was talking abt earlier after school but I wanna go tomorrow " she said

"Do you want me to come wit chu " I said

"Yea you can I rather have sb there I know anyway " angel said

"Yea rd " I said

After we ate we put the dishes in the sink and went to our rooms I laid back down I was still a little tired but not enough for me to go to sleep so I ft Vallyk

"Yo" he said as his head laidback on his gaming chair and his head set lit up

"You not tired " I said 

"A little but I'm tryna play the game so I'm not going to sleep , why you not sleep " he asked

"I just woke up abt a hour ago I'm still tired but not fully " I said

"Ord" he said

"Oh and I'm coming over tomorrow because Angel going to see Mike " I said as I just looked at him through the screen

"Rd that's wsp" he said

"Ow" I said as I held my stomach

"You cool" he asked

"No do it sound like I'm cool my fucking stomach hurt " I said

"My fault " he said

"It's ok my bad it's the mood swings ion know what's going on " I said

"Do you have medicine " he asked

"Yea I took some Ill go take more " I said as I grabbed the phone and took it to the bathroom wit me and set it up where he could see my whole body I had on shorts and a bra

"Damn mama" he said wit his sexy raspy voice

"Child don't stare to hard " I laughed

"You got it " he put his hands up in defense and laughed wit me

I took the medicine and laid back down it makes me tired so I had ended up falling asleep on ft with Vallyk


The next morning I woke up to seeing Vallyk in the car wit his phone on his lap driving so I sat up and wiped my eyes

"Where you going " I asked

"Making a run " he said

"How many " I asked

"Abt 5" he said

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