
86 1 3

Ari   Not proofread

It was now around the time of us to leave this was my outfit

I was tryna be comfortable I didn't wanna go overboard I'm not impressing anybody at all plus I think my fit was still calm but cute

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I was tryna be comfortable I didn't wanna go overboard I'm not impressing anybody at all plus I think my fit was still calm but cute

I got in the car with everyone else and the boys was meeting us there

"Mom don't ask a lot of questions please " aya said

"Ima ask simple questions" she said

"Mom you always do this just be calm and chill " Ahiella said

"Im so serious im not gonna do it this time ima just let it ride so tell me abt them now " she said

"They sell that's all " I said

"Ord" she said

Once we got there the boys wasn't here yet but once they came I had gave Vallyk a hug I felt like I didn't wanna let him go his warm embrace and good cologne but they still look like regular ole hood niggas

We sat at the table and everyone was just talking I was actually surprised on how well they was getting alone the whole time I was sitting at that table I was shocked

We was getting ready to leave I'm just glad they didn't ask personal or embarrassing questions

Skip to when they get home

I took a shower and got dressed into some tights and a essentials hoodie then got a overnight bag because I was going over Vallyk house I feel like I'm over there a lot now but ion care

I took my mom Mercedes Benz and drove to get some snacks from the store then drove to his house , once I got to the door I knocked on it and Mike opened it

"Wsp" he side hugged me

"Hey" I said as I hugged him back and went upstairs To Vallyk room

I went in and seen him sitting in the gaming chair playing the game

"Yo" he said as he put his arms out for me to hug him so I did and he pulled me down on his lap as we hugged so I'm now sitting on his lap

"What you missed me " I laughed

"Yea " I said as he took the head set off

"Boy you just seen me " I smiled

"Ion care" he said as he picked me up and put me on the bed

"You bored huh" I said

"Mhm" he said as he laid back wit his hands behind his head

He had on a white t and black sweat pants.

It was just some seconds of silence when I looked at him he was just staring at me

"What" I said

"you just so beautiful " he said

"Aww stop your handsome but thank you " I said

"Ion wanna stop tho I just meant you and I'm already attached I don't wanna be away from you I actually like you " he said

"Why you saying it like that's a problem I like you to what's wrong " I said because something just didn't feel right

"I wanna be with you but ion wanna hurt you " he said as he sat up

I took a pause tryna figure out what to say next usually I know but I was just stuck

"How would you hurt me " I looked confused

"I don't know how to stay in a relationship or love I didn't grow up feeling loved or did I have a dad to teach me how to properly love a girl " he said

"I'm sorry I know it's hard but you gonna have to step out your comfort zone a little I can teach you not to walk away or hurt a girl I'll have patience when it comes to you in my last relationship I was hurt really bad but he was just like you didn't know how to love a girl and looking back I should have handled things better he was a good person and you are to I'm not these girls who want the sex and to be with you for the look I want a Beyoncé and jay-z kind of love " I said

"Ari do you wanna be my girlfriend " he said

"Yes Vallyk " I said as we hugged and boom he kissed me so I kissed back

I wasn't the type to rush a relationship but he felt different then anyone I ever had dated I just hope we can work this through and see eye to eye

"Anyway I gotta go to the doctors tomorrow " I said

"For what " he said

"My mom put me back on birth control " I said

"Ord that's gonna come in handy " he said then laughed

"Boy bye " I laughed

If y'all feel like I jumped them into the relationship to soon ion know what to tell you just let the story play out

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